BB Social Zone

Talking about mental health can be heavy. We get that. BB Social Zone offers a space where you can chill out and socialise with other members.


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Sophie_M Welcome to the BB Social Zone - guidelines for posting in this section
  • replies: 0

Hi everyone, This section of the forum is a little different to the others, as you may have noticed in looking around the threads. Elsewhere on the forums, we discuss some pretty heavy topics: mental health issues, thoughts of suicide, trauma, abuse,... View more

Hi everyone, This section of the forum is a little different to the others, as you may have noticed in looking around the threads. Elsewhere on the forums, we discuss some pretty heavy topics: mental health issues, thoughts of suicide, trauma, abuse, relationship breakdowns. Here is the place to come to get away from that and have a bit of fun. Distraction can be an important tool to draw on if you're finding yourself overwhelmed by distressing thoughts and feelings. As this is a section for respite from difficult topics, we will remove posts made in this section that attempt to discuss personal issues. Please use a support thread in the appropriate section for these discussions. Happy posting!

Kazzl The BB cafe
  • replies: 20621

The BB cafe is open for business! Welcome all to a new chill and chat place for everyone on the forum. The BB cafe is whatever you want it to be. There are comfy sofas, tables and chairs, coffee machines, a kitchen stocked with everything. There's a ... View more

The BB cafe is open for business! Welcome all to a new chill and chat place for everyone on the forum. The BB cafe is whatever you want it to be. There are comfy sofas, tables and chairs, coffee machines, a kitchen stocked with everything. There's a pool outside, a bbq area, an annexe with comfy beds for a quiet sleep, tv, dvd, books and whatever else you would like to have here. Most of all, it's a place to meet friends and fellow travellers for a bit of company. Talk over problems, tell jokes, share your day, escape into a world of your making. Grab a coffee and pull up a chair ... So, with a nod to the wonderful Carole King (Hard Rock Cafe) ... Now if you're feeling just a little bit lonely Don't sit at home just mopin' Come on down to where the friendship flows freely You know the door is always open At the BB cafe Come to the BB cafe They will help keep your blues at bay At the BB cafe Important Message from ModSupport: The main intention of the BB Cafe is to encourage light conversation. Please look after your fellow community members by nuturing the BB Cafe as a place to escape some of the more pressing issues in life and save those conversations for personal threads.

All discussions

Febry One happier time of your life?
  • replies: 2

Hi everyone, I just don't really feel like doing hw and other school bs, so I thought why not just enlighten myself by talking about my happier time and maybe read about one or a couple of your happier time? haha, anyway, I'll start mine. When I was ... View more

Hi everyone, I just don't really feel like doing hw and other school bs, so I thought why not just enlighten myself by talking about my happier time and maybe read about one or a couple of your happier time? haha, anyway, I'll start mine. When I was younger, very young, I lived in an unknown- very small village in Indonesia. One particular night, the family was gathering in a room (like a launch room sort of thing, idk, village house was kinda small and different) with a candle in the centre because the lights were out. The door was open because it was hot in the room and I was just playing with my cousin on one side of the room, until this bat just landed on me, from nowhere. I was screaming like mad and I practically run around the house like a mad bull. But, the bat, chased me.......... only me........ everyone was laughing at me. ;_; ............................... hahaha, anyway, my grandpa ended up shoo-ing the bat out of the house and it's all happy-ever-after I was given some rice and food to compensate for some 'damage' xD attained during the escape from the bat. XD The end. Well, that was one of my happier time. Thank you for reading it even though it's so dry and cringe haha, but feel free to post yours. xD ^^ Warm Regards, Febry xx

Bob_Norton My perception on what Breaking Bad is about- SPOILERS THROUGHOUT!!
  • replies: 1

SPOILER ALERT; If you haven't seen Breaking Bad, don't read this article, it is only to be read in retrospect or at ones risk... Breaking Bad, as admitted by its writer Vince Gillian evolved quite organically through its six seasons. It was unanticip... View more

SPOILER ALERT; If you haven't seen Breaking Bad, don't read this article, it is only to be read in retrospect or at ones risk... Breaking Bad, as admitted by its writer Vince Gillian evolved quite organically through its six seasons. It was unanticipated the various character developments that occurred, but overall, a brilliantly done and encapturing series. Did you know that Jessie Pinkman was going to be killed off in the early first season? His character became so pivotal to the series and he was one of the few characters who ended up being the 'moral compass' of the show, along with Hank Schrader who started the series as a very vulgar boisterous DEA agent. By the end of the series however, you cry when he dies as he was actually one of the good guys all along with a strong heart. I love the flashback scenes of Breaking Bad, they are so telling and intriguing. The most powerful for me, came at the beginning of the last episode of Season 3 which flashes back to a young Walter White and Skylar (Who is pregnant with Flynn) as they do an inspection of their future house. Ever so subtly, you see the greed that grows in Walt as he thinks the house is too small and thinking they will have 'at least 3 children'. He constantly searched for the bigger better deal. We tend to root for Walter White in the earlier seasons, the man who is diagnosed with lung cancer, making meth to provide his loved ones with a lot of cash. However, the first sin that is committed is pride and by the fifth season it becomes pure greed. Seasons 5 and 6 are an entity of their own- 5, Walt wears expensive watches and buys expensive cars living a life of seemingly no consequence. Season 6 is poo connecting with the fan. Skylar talks to Walt about the 'devil being in the detail' as she begrudgingly helps him stay away from legal troubles with his crimes. Walt's pride and arrogance come back with the book Leaves of Grass which Hank connects to Walt being 'Heisenberg'. Hank and Jessie in a way, become a team. They were sworn enemies in seasons 2-5, but by season 6, they realise they have a common enemy in Walt and they see in each other, that they have strong morals, even if they don't say this. Breaking Bad had a very sad ending, very open ended- Will Skylar and Flynn get that cash? Was Walt's crimes all for nothing? There is however, a very happy ending in contrast as Jessie escapes his Neo Nazis captures and drives away crying and laughing with his new found

Clues_Of_Blue MBTI personality types
  • replies: 155

I have had an ongoing fascination with analysing personality, and what makes myself and others tick, and have found the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator to be a surprisingly accurate measure of such things. I have catalogued the types of many of the peopl... View more

I have had an ongoing fascination with analysing personality, and what makes myself and others tick, and have found the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator to be a surprisingly accurate measure of such things. I have catalogued the types of many of the people in my life, and probably driven them nuts with my project. It's an interesting study, though, observing consistent traits among the types, how they relate to life skills, coping strategies, how they function in different settings and why. If you know your type, feel free to share, and things you may have discovered about yourself or that have helped you relate to others using resources about it. If you don't know your type, and want to, I found the site 16 Personalities pretty good for testing and dissecting the types. If it's of any interest, I am an INTP, and the information about my type on that site is pretty spot-on. I've only used that as a starting point for my research. There is so much information out there on the types, and the differences between them that actually goes a long way to breaking down the core of otherwise confusing conflicts, or getting the most out of a person at work or in a friendship, etc. Anyway, it's a bit of a project of mine, and I wanted to open it up to anyone who wants to contribute.

dark_unicorn Under-21 LGBTQI+ Chat Space
  • replies: 2

Hey everyone! I'm 15 and currently identifying as bisexual, but it's all a bit hazy at the moment I just wanted to see if there are any LGBTQI+ people around my age who want to chat and make friends dark_unicorn

Hey everyone! I'm 15 and currently identifying as bisexual, but it's all a bit hazy at the moment I just wanted to see if there are any LGBTQI+ people around my age who want to chat and make friends dark_unicorn

Lost_Girl A game of one-upmanship (The Four Yorkshiremen Monty Python style)
  • replies: 26

I have met many Monty Python fans in and around the threads. One of my favourite skits is The Four Yorkshire men where they each try and beat each other to tell the tale of hardship of growing up. I thought it might be fun to try a game of one-upmans... View more

I have met many Monty Python fans in and around the threads. One of my favourite skits is The Four Yorkshire men where they each try and beat each other to tell the tale of hardship of growing up. I thought it might be fun to try a game of one-upmanship and see if we manage a laugh or two ourselves. If you're not familiar with the skit, look it up on youtube, it's worth a look even if you don't feel like joining in. Edit: here's the clip below -CB __________________ When I was young if you wanted to write to a BB forum you had to use pen and paper and send it by snail mail. A team of moderators would review it and block out all the censored words with liquid paper and then they would pin it to a notice board in a central location in your city so you'd have to travel in to see if it got posted

_NaturalTalent_ Lacking motivation to write
  • replies: 8

Hi all, this is a bit of a tricky thing to attempt I think but I'm going to give it a go. So, I have a huge passion for writing, doesn't matter about what, for what, or how (computer, tablet, phone, pad & pen), If I start writing it can get hard for ... View more

Hi all, this is a bit of a tricky thing to attempt I think but I'm going to give it a go. So, I have a huge passion for writing, doesn't matter about what, for what, or how (computer, tablet, phone, pad & pen), If I start writing it can get hard for me to stop (I hate the 2500 limit here sometimes hahaha), but recently this site has held about 90% of my writing effort, last couple months I think. Now, don't get me wrong this isn't the problem, my problem is I have unfinished works I procrastinate picking up.. Granted I'm not always procrastinating there are SOME legitimate causes lol. But I've never really sought help with working on my creations and I'm thinking I need to.. A big issue I have is I don't like talking about the work I've already done, bit paranoid when it comes to that area of my life... Referencing this site again, probably contains the largest record of my writing (next to the internet police's lol) I mean I even scrub my facebook every once in a while. Up until last year I still kept ALL my writing material on a floppy disk HAHAHAHA Because who still owns a floppy drive... Right??? Ive upgraded it to a usb with encryption software now lol, its a pain in the bum to get in and out of... ANYWAY.... My whole idea.... Im thinking maybe some other people have a similar need for like.. A sounding board? A bit of background collaboration/creation... And really... The poke we all need sometimes to pick up the notepad and jot down a few notes to a scene or verse or what have you, that ultimately turns into half hours writing or something (if your anything like me, your few notes become a story a few pages long that's really the notes to a whole chapter...) Now the problem for me lies here in... Details... Ill say one of my stories is a fantasy, so magic dragons etc right, but details... What are the dragons like? How do people use magic or accomplish certain things? I wont tell......... So this is a convo with me - You:"How did they do that, I might be able to think of something less complicated" Me: "Magic" You: "Yeah but, energy, spell, potion, how?" Me: "Magic...." but I DO have it all written down...... My reasoning? I would NEVER take other peoples ideas, but others do. If someone got their hands on my work (Approximately 4 years over 3 novels and a multitude of short stories and poems... Like the potential I've created... Its PRICELE$$ lol Just need help moving.. If the thread dies oh well at least I tried

Chris_B Renaming the Community Board and expanding the cafe
  • replies: 12

Hi everyone, Since the opening of the Cafe thread earlier in the year, this whole section has really come to life as a place to socialise and get away from the heavier topics around living with anxiety and depression. Given that 'Community Board' is ... View more

Hi everyone, Since the opening of the Cafe thread earlier in the year, this whole section has really come to life as a place to socialise and get away from the heavier topics around living with anxiety and depression. Given that 'Community Board' is a bland name for a section, how would you all feel about the Community Board section being renamed to BB Cafe? That does leave the question of what to do with the original cafe thread, but I'm sure you will have ideas around this too. What do you think?

white knight My workmate
  • replies: 2

I'd been discharged from the defence only one year. The paranoia towards homosexuality reached a level whereby if you played cards with mates all of you were required to keep one foot on the floor. And that's an order.! We lived in an era of cowards ... View more

I'd been discharged from the defence only one year. The paranoia towards homosexuality reached a level whereby if you played cards with mates all of you were required to keep one foot on the floor. And that's an order.! We lived in an era of cowards bashing gays any chance they got. I didn't but I laughed with them. Just as guilty. Then at a freight company in Melbourne 1977 I worked alongside "Rick". He was a singer in a band, to me he was outrageously gay and curiously loved by any female he met. That bit I was jealous of. I owned a convertible car and gave Rick a lift home one night. Driving through Footscray he turned the volume up of the song Crocodile Rock as he stood up and sang the song. He was hilarious... He was drugged and he was sad. I was admittedly homophobic. I had been programmed. Rick related to the gay movement in Sydney so folded his band and left work. About six months later there was a protest march on TV news. At the front of the group was " Rick" chanting "gay rights- now". Ricks mother visited our company a short time later informing us that Rick had overdosed on drugs. He was 25yo. He was found with a note in a dark alley, alone and penniless. The women in our office told me much more about the Rick I didn't know. He volunteered for soup kitchens, loved his nephews 3&4yo and adored jewellery. Suddenly any homophobia left in me vanished. I am often reminded of Rick. Even early 2015 TV had a flashback of the early days of the Mardi gras and subsequent clashes with police and up comes that clip with Rick leading the charge. Rick is immortal thanks to TV. And its sad. We have bronze statues of Lords, architects, adventurers and busts of politicians but none of heroes like Rick. Rev Martin Luther King made one of the greatest speeches if all time " I have a dream". I remember a photo taken of 3 black children holding hands against the spray of a water cannon. It took scenes like that for change. The gay protedt movement towards basic rights, the rights the straight community has always enjoyed...has been going too long. Too long because society in all its glory hasn't taken that one final leap to allow this minority but large group, rights it should have automatically. RIP Rick Tony WK

Guest_9466 Home......
  • replies: 2

Hi Guys I am back and what a lovely day it was to welcome me home. You don't know how good life is until you witnessed problems other people in other countries faced. I am a migrant by marriage to this beautiful country. Although, if I haven't been m... View more

Hi Guys I am back and what a lovely day it was to welcome me home. You don't know how good life is until you witnessed problems other people in other countries faced. I am a migrant by marriage to this beautiful country. Although, if I haven't been married to an Aussie, I would have been able to migrate here on my own because of my profession. It was much in demand then and probably now as well. Stopping over in country of birth, I came to realised why I left it so many years ago, swearing that I would not return except to visit family members. For many years, I kept my promise but as one matures in age as well as in outlook, I became 'soft' and was lulled into thinking hey, perhaps over time, circumstances change, but not so, as I soon came to realise a few weeks ago. However, it wasn't till I was physically there, that it brought to home that as a member of a minority group, which I and others refute, in the sense that the Chinese people think the government downplay the percentage of Chinese population in cob, that we were never accepted on equal terms, not as long as the present political party insisted on remaining in power. Power corrupts and after fifty plus years of independence, this country is still ruled by one party. The opposition is ruthlessly crushed and 'quietly' assassinated. So, there you have it. I told my niece about Australian politics and the ousting of Tony Abbott. She said that in her country, if you dare to dsagree, she then used her hand to form the shape of a pistol, 'bang'. End of story. Her hubby is a taxi driver. He chooses to be self employed because he couldn't stand offce politics. However, there is no holiday and sick pay. He recently injured his foot and was not able to work for a week. Pressure soon mounted as bills kept coming in and there s no Centrelink to the rescue. Luckily, for them, I was able to lend a helping hand by giving them some money to settle their bills. It just made me aware how fortunate I am, firstly, to be able to help them and secondly, to call Astralua home. Although, it does make me sad as well as guilty, to think that when depression visited, I found it hard to count myself fortunate. How to share with these people, including niece and her hubby, that depression does not respect 'fortunate' people. It strikes rich and poor alike except, it is better to be 'rich' and depressed. Not sure where I am going with this except to say that for today, I am grateful to call Australia home.