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A song to express your feelings

Community Member

At this hour, I find myself particularly vulnerable because I am heavily sleep deprived, and my brain can't really process. I have been awake for 21 hours and 12 minutes straight after a string of nights of only a few hours' sleep. I don't feel well, nor do I feel sleepy. So, I am listening to the soundtrack of my life entitled "Walkabouts" and right now, the perfect song to describe what I am feeling (at least the chorus of it) is Madness by Muse. Has anyone ever felt like they could communicate more if they did it through the songs that already exist? I challenge us to have a conversation consisting of song quotes.

So, dedicated to my depression; here I go...

Ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-mad mad mad...Ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-mad mad mad....Ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-mad mad mad...Ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-mad mad mad...I, I can't get these memories ooout of my mind, and some kind of maaaadness has started to evolve. Ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-mad mad mad...Ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-mad mad mad... And I, I tried so hard to let you go-ooo, but some kind of maaaadness is swallowing me whole, yeah....Ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-mad mad mad...Ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-mad mad mad...I have finally seen the light. And I have finally realized, what you mean....

Ooh oh oh

[MODERATOR'S NOTE: Hi everyone, just a reminder that song lyrics are copyrighted material, and we (as in BB) can get into trouble for reproducing them without permission.  If you could just keep to sharing song titles, or one or two lines from the song at most, rather than whole lyrics that would be great - that way we can keep this thread open. ]

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Hello everyone……🤗..


“Keep Holding On”………Avril Lavigne 

Eagle Ray
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Hi Fiatlux, smallwolf and Grandy,


Fiatlux, I saw Bruce in 2013 in Melbourne and 3 times in Perth (2014 and twice in 2017). He gives 1000% every time he gets on stage. He feels the emotion in every song, every time. His songs have saved me at times. His relationship with his father was similar to that I had with my mother. Like he felt with his father, I felt my mother wanted to hate me out of existence while I was growing up, but grasped later she loved me though it was extremely difficult for her to express it, just as Bruce described with his dad. He also described having to rescue his dad from mental health crises in the 1990s (e.g. bailing him out of prison and dragging him out of a McDonald’s before he began a fight. I similarly had to intervene when my mother lost it in out of control rage at cafe workers, shop assistants etc). Springsteen, more than anyone, has put words and music to my own struggles and experience.

smallwolf, Pink Floyd are an amazing band. Years ago I saw a documentary about the making of The Dark Side of the Moon which was fantastic. That song Comfortably Numb also speaks to my experience including dissociation and depersonalisation. My cousin saw them live years ago and said it was awesome.


Grandy - the Avril Lavigne song is great a very uplifting! Thank you for sharing 🙏

Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear All~

I've just seen a movie about Bob Marley and the Wailers. Their 'Jammin' sticks in my mind as during a concert this was played and there is an unforgettable picture of Marley bringing Edward Seaga and Michael Manley -who were leaders of the two warring Jamaican factions- together clasping hands


It showed the power of music and  a musician's charisma to bring two such opposed persons together. I wish that had been the end of it but sadly later on they were both killed and the civil war resumed.



Eagle Ray
Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hi Croix and All,


 I saw an interview with Bob Marley’s son Ziggy the other night about the new film about Bob’s life. Ziggy came across as a nice guy. I was looking up info about Bob after that and he died so young. I’m sure he would have had a lot more music to put out there had he lived into future decades.

Eagle Ray
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Atlantic City - Bruce Springsteen (specifically the live in New York City version, though the original recording is also excellent).


Although partly in the context of a particular historical event, this song is about trying to survive despite almost unbearable odds. It is about the compromises a person can be pushed to in untenable circumstances. The live version of this is my current emotional state, especially the part where he is screaming towards the end of the song. I am trying to find a reason to keep going at the moment. Bruce Springsteen's songs have several times been the one thing that has kept me going. He gets it. Today has been a really hard day.

Honest lullaby by Joan Baez always makes me emotional. 

One More Light - Linkin Park 

Eagle Ray
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My Heart is Broken - Evanescence


I find this a cathartic and therapeutic song about breaking out of old sorrow and finding a new path.

Eagle Ray
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Present Tense - Radiohead

Eagle Ray
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There Goes My Miracle - Bruce Springsteen


This is a beautiful song. It expresses my heartache and loss.