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A song to express your feelings

Community Member

At this hour, I find myself particularly vulnerable because I am heavily sleep deprived, and my brain can't really process. I have been awake for 21 hours and 12 minutes straight after a string of nights of only a few hours' sleep. I don't feel well, nor do I feel sleepy. So, I am listening to the soundtrack of my life entitled "Walkabouts" and right now, the perfect song to describe what I am feeling (at least the chorus of it) is Madness by Muse. Has anyone ever felt like they could communicate more if they did it through the songs that already exist? I challenge us to have a conversation consisting of song quotes.

So, dedicated to my depression; here I go...

Ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-mad mad mad...Ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-mad mad mad....Ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-mad mad mad...Ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-mad mad mad...I, I can't get these memories ooout of my mind, and some kind of maaaadness has started to evolve. Ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-mad mad mad...Ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-mad mad mad... And I, I tried so hard to let you go-ooo, but some kind of maaaadness is swallowing me whole, yeah....Ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-mad mad mad...Ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-mad mad mad...I have finally seen the light. And I have finally realized, what you mean....

Ooh oh oh

[MODERATOR'S NOTE: Hi everyone, just a reminder that song lyrics are copyrighted material, and we (as in BB) can get into trouble for reproducing them without permission.  If you could just keep to sharing song titles, or one or two lines from the song at most, rather than whole lyrics that would be great - that way we can keep this thread open. ]

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Sing for the moment. All of them really, but that if I had to pick

If I remember right, I didn't mind a couple of them. Those that made it in to the top 10 perhaps as they were deemed suitable for commercial ears?!

Hi Pet, I am an avid fan of Eminem.

Today, there is a tad change in the pace. I went for a run and the endorphins have kicked in so I'm listening to the Four Tops, I can't Help Myself, and other various "Soul" music

Wow! A run? Good .... on .... you! Yes, the endorphins are a treat. Are you going to do more considering you felt so good from it. Soul music is just that, isn't it? Yummy to treat yourself this way. I hope to hear more of it and the songs you run to also.


Hi Pet. Thanks. I'm actually in training mode for a tough mudder event in December so yea, will be doing more exercise. I have a thread on it here entitled "Tough Mudder Chronicles..."

Soul music is indeed targeted to that very entity.

music I run too...hmmm..that changes but, For a Better Day by Avicii and Waving Flag by Knaan come to mind.

Hi Sweet!

I'll have to visit this thread too! I'm not entirely sure what this is.

My friend and I are signed up to do a 3 km walk. Doesn't sound like much but I'll have to start training! I need new sneakers too (oops....runners)! I have something funny with my muscles and they overreact to normal day to day activity, so I can get conditions like shin splints from simple things like driving the car too far, having the foot on the accelerator for too long. So you'll be training by running? I should be training by walking! What fun. I look forward to hearing of your progress sweet. I hope to share mine with you. You may just inspire me a little!

Hugs xx


Hey Pet. It's a 16km marathon/obstacle course hybrid.

I won't knock 3 km, especially if you have finny muscles. Good for you for signing up. If you are getting new sneakers (nothing at all wrong with that word), get them and definitely train with them, if you don't mind the advice. And oof, shin splints are bad, I know your pain, but by simply driving a car for too long huh? I'm sorry about that. I myself have genetically bad knees. They go inward a bit, and the way I grew up, they bend backward too much. So, I essentially have abraded knee caps because of it. So I have pain when it comes to them. I will certainly be running, but mixing it in with bodyweight and resistance/weight training. And ultimately will be mixing the two, so I'm used to doing both at the same time, which is what this obstacle course will require of me. By all means join in the convo, I already have James on there who is training for two other marathons. Please share your journey with us. If I did inspire you, it would please me greatly.

Community Member

Hi Paul

Yes, this a fabulous piece. Very emotive. Sia is an incredible musician and songwriter.

Pet 😊

Community Champion
Community Champion
Yes! I love her songs, including those she writes for others as well!

"It's not a picture perfect life, not what I had in mind..Let me write my own lines...I've got this place that I've filled with empty space. Oh, I'm trying not to face what I've done; my hopeless opus. I'm in this race and I'm hoping just to place. Oh, I'm trying not to face what's become of me; my hopeless opus."