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A song to express your feelings

Community Member

At this hour, I find myself particularly vulnerable because I am heavily sleep deprived, and my brain can't really process. I have been awake for 21 hours and 12 minutes straight after a string of nights of only a few hours' sleep. I don't feel well, nor do I feel sleepy. So, I am listening to the soundtrack of my life entitled "Walkabouts" and right now, the perfect song to describe what I am feeling (at least the chorus of it) is Madness by Muse. Has anyone ever felt like they could communicate more if they did it through the songs that already exist? I challenge us to have a conversation consisting of song quotes.

So, dedicated to my depression; here I go...

Ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-mad mad mad...Ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-mad mad mad....Ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-mad mad mad...Ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-mad mad mad...I, I can't get these memories ooout of my mind, and some kind of maaaadness has started to evolve. Ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-mad mad mad...Ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-mad mad mad... And I, I tried so hard to let you go-ooo, but some kind of maaaadness is swallowing me whole, yeah....Ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-mad mad mad...Ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-mad mad mad...I have finally seen the light. And I have finally realized, what you mean....

Ooh oh oh

[MODERATOR'S NOTE: Hi everyone, just a reminder that song lyrics are copyrighted material, and we (as in BB) can get into trouble for reproducing them without permission.  If you could just keep to sharing song titles, or one or two lines from the song at most, rather than whole lyrics that would be great - that way we can keep this thread open. ]

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Community Champion
Community Champion
You're going to hate me for this, especially if you know any little kids, but my recent guilty pleasure is Let it Go from Frozen 🙂

I just imagine it to be about my borderline personality disorder so when I tell people, I don't care what they're going to say...let the storm rage on!

It's my big "stuff you" to anyone who ignores me (before I then cry about losing friends...but that's not part of the song, haha)

Guilty pleasures are the best. Let It Go! Now it's stuck in my head....

I was just singing this too

Community Member

Hi Simona

I loved it! Watched the old film clip on the net. It's a classic. I'm going to add it to me repertoire!

Thank you for mentioning it

Pet 😊

Hi Joelle

That's a lovely song sweet. There's some strong feeling words in there, some positive ones too. I'm going to add this one to my playlist. I can relate to these words too. It reminds me of the times I wasn't feeling the best. There's been a few times like that. There was always a part of me that knew I would come through though. Just needed to give myself some grace. It would've been good if I accepted some help but I was too 'everything' to do much of this at those times. I'm doing more of this these days though. I think you're feeling pretty bad yourself at the moment. I haven't been to your new thread but I will get there and have a read soon. Hope I can be of some help to you sweet.

Thinking of you cheeky face!!

Pet 😊

Community Member

Hi James

Whatever song works for you sweet! Is the teenage equivalent to this 'Shake it off' by Taylor Swift!? I haven't heard 'Let it go' in its entirety. You've inspired me to do so! I have heard his popular it is and how many parents are a wee bit over it! I drove my parents nutty with music....let's see...there was Grease....Xanadu.....Ant Music.... hee, hee...eventually they bought me headphones! Slow learners were they!!

Pet 😊

Community Champion
Community Champion

Aha, that is an excellent tactic Pet. My mum did the reverse to my unfortunately. She sang everywhere in the house to the point that I had to buy myself earphones!


Community Member


I'm having an Eminem day

Oh? Which song in particular?