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A song to express your feelings

Community Member

At this hour, I find myself particularly vulnerable because I am heavily sleep deprived, and my brain can't really process. I have been awake for 21 hours and 12 minutes straight after a string of nights of only a few hours' sleep. I don't feel well, nor do I feel sleepy. So, I am listening to the soundtrack of my life entitled "Walkabouts" and right now, the perfect song to describe what I am feeling (at least the chorus of it) is Madness by Muse. Has anyone ever felt like they could communicate more if they did it through the songs that already exist? I challenge us to have a conversation consisting of song quotes.

So, dedicated to my depression; here I go...

Ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-mad mad mad...Ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-mad mad mad....Ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-mad mad mad...Ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-mad mad mad...I, I can't get these memories ooout of my mind, and some kind of maaaadness has started to evolve. Ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-mad mad mad...Ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-mad mad mad... And I, I tried so hard to let you go-ooo, but some kind of maaaadness is swallowing me whole, yeah....Ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-mad mad mad...Ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-mad mad mad...I have finally seen the light. And I have finally realized, what you mean....

Ooh oh oh

[MODERATOR'S NOTE: Hi everyone, just a reminder that song lyrics are copyrighted material, and we (as in BB) can get into trouble for reproducing them without permission.  If you could just keep to sharing song titles, or one or two lines from the song at most, rather than whole lyrics that would be great - that way we can keep this thread open. ]

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Disclaimer to pro FB'ers: what you are about to read is the opinion of the author only!

Hi Joelle

I found my friend's FB and her 'friends' etc to overshare in this space on so many levels.

FB does have its place I agree eg emergency services can reach more people when needing assistance in tracking down offenders, or finding a potentially lost person to name but a few.

I think the negatives outweigh the positives for me personally and hence it is my choice to avoid FB. My husband has FB and assures me he is a conservative user. Although we agreed for SOME YEARS it had nooooooo place in our lives. Ouch! I think I just had a dig....carrying on..... at my request he doesn't include me in his FB. ONE result...the rumour frequently circulating that there must be something wrong in our relationship, we're separated or divorced. So either way people can be affected by FB even when they don't partake themselves (eyes rolling here)! This upset me greatly at first so I told him not to tell me anything and to keep his FB to his lovely self! Okay.....I may have used other describing words that day but the meaning was the same!

I've heard pro examples eg family and friends living distances apart find FB a good way of keeping in touch, keeps them closer etc. Perhaps there's another secure platform for this? I admit I'm slightly ignorant with most social media platforms. I choose to contact family and my friends by more intimate methods. A lot of the time, I am the 'last to know' and I have resigned myself to this, especially as others hear news of my children's lives before me (red, cranky face here)!

I questioned my beliefs again on media before joining this forum. I came to the conclusion that I'm comfortable with the restricted media sharing here in BB and I have faith in the moderators. There is genuine reason for us folk being here. Our intentions are good for ourselves, and others.

Bet you didn't think you'd get a thesis on the matter Joelle! Hope you're not sorry you asked sweet?!

Pet 😊

Hey Pet,

Hah, I'm grateful for the thesis. I wouldn't have asked if I didn't want to know whatever you wanted to say on the matter. I like knowing.

What a palaver! I'm sorry that your decision to stay away even gave you grief. When I deleted my account a couple of my "friends" though I had decided to block them for no reason, because apparently that's something I would do. Now it's my turn to roll my eyes. They never even asked about it. Just thought that until I called someone, asking how she was feeling. Sigh...

I'm not the most socially aware but even I know how everyone is judged on the site based on what is selectively shared. It doesn't encourage real connections, just fleeting ones.

Now, as far as I'm concerned, if the my want to talk to me, they know how, but it has helped me filter out those who aren't really good to me.

I'm an instagram person, Share pictures, share a caption, all that's needed (I like photography).

Joelle...you're a champion. Thank you. I often feel my aversion to FB is abnormal! (relieved face). I really like what you said "It doesn't encourage real relationships, just fleeting ones." I have a friend who lives in another State now. We've been writing to each other for years....with real pen and paper! I like to use different stationery...Winnie the Poo (I'm a big kid at heart sometimes)! Sure, we have each other's mobile and email, but this is our thing. When I get her mail, I wait for a quiet time, make a cuppa and read her letter. I know she does the same.

Photography. Well done you! Yes, pictures often speak louder than words! I used to prepare an annual skit of photos and video to music for family. Much anticipated, but like the guitar, it's one of those things that I've lost interest in. It's not all doom and gloom though. I know I'll get back into it someday. How do you eat an elephant? One mouthful at a time! That being the case, my elephant is made of chocolate of course! Keep up the photography you! Capturing beauty through a lense is a gift (happy, beaming face).

Pet. 😊

dear Lookingforme, songs, well Kaz I love the 4 Non-Blondes 'What's Up', The Power of Love by Celine Dion plus there are others who sign it as well, The Greatest Love of All by Whitney Houston'and Elvis Presley, sorry I know-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------so many more. Geoff. x

Community Member

Oh Geoff

You too! Celine Dion can stop anyone in their tracks. That voice..... and she oozes loveliness. Nothing wrong with the King. He still rocks!

Have a great day.

Pet 😊

Lfm: sorry about the late reply :/keep Lol.

Umm some of my fav breaking Benjamin songs are The diary of Jane, Blown away and so cold.

I see we have a few axe players here too awesome. We should jam session haha.

Hotel California by the eagles will always be my fav to play

Community Member

Hi Simona

I don't know this one. Can you give me the title please?

Pet 😊

Community Member
Hullo : ) aha. it's an old song called a world without love

Hi Joelle, my sweet....I have missed your cheeky face! Been thinking of you. Good to see you. You've received a diagnosis? Do you know more about it? I'm not sure myself but will have a read to get some understanding. Sorry to hear you've been low. Your song lyrics have encouraging words. I'll listen to your song on the Internet when I'm not multitasking! Work is a wee bit busy this time of year for me.

Take care sweet.

Pet 😊

Hey Pet,

I have, I started another thread on it, depression and anxiety of course and borderline personality disorder. I know nothing about it and it has made my mental situation a lot worse actually. Thank you for taking an interest.

No stress about the song. Hope you're doing okay