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How can we improve the forums? Your suggestions and comments please

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi all, this thread is a running commentary for all members on things for improvements to the forums. This can be anything from how it looks, the categories, to moderation, community rules etc.

While we might not be able to implement everything straightaway, or keep everyone happy all of the time, we'd like to hear about what you think we can do better.


This is not a thread for discussing the moderation or editing of individual posts - if you have questions about this please contact the team offline via email modsupport@beyondblue.org.au


To avoid repeating suggestions already received, below are some results from our last user survey giving an indication of which new features people would like to see on the forums. This survey was answered by 1,597 users:

44% - Email notification when I have a reply on the forum
39% - Access to the forums via an app
27% - Ability to block seeing posts by specific users
25% - Ability to contact users privately
25% - Ability to use emoticons
25% - Ability to follow posts by specific users
24% - Ability to share links
23% - Forum posts visible only to registered users
22% - A profile, viewable by others users, where I can introduce myself
21% - Ability to quickly access all posts by a particular user
15% - Ability to tag users in a conversation
10% - Ability to share images
6% - Ability to share videos
17% - None of these


Update July 2022 - This discussion has now been closed. Please go to the updated version below to share feedback and follow our updates:

How can we improve the Forums?

957 Replies 957

to be honest i get severe anxiety and trauma responses writing on certain threads due to exclusion or judgemental and harsh comments. I try really hard but some days it is unbearable.

Me too

l'm really surprised and sad about that stuff you two. MB, tayla l could not even imagine you offending anyone here in a million yrs or anyone excluding ya, really. You just seem to have such a beautiful tone about you in anything l ever see that tbh l'd find any of that hard to believe.

Same with you sleepy. Both you guys just seem to have such a gentle way and warmth about you round here, couldn't even imagine anyone with a problem. Really sorry to hear that stuff.

Hello everyone

Like random I am sad sleepy and mblover or nayone on the forum has ever been made t feel excluded or has been disrespected or the target of remarks that discrimintae.

I was reminded that while it is awaful peple have not felt welcome the fact they have this thread to be open and honest is proof to their willingness to keep on here.

I always hope tht as the good kind people afar out weigh the ones who are not, I am pleased that you both choose to stay and make the forums a better place.

I like the bouquet thread that gives us a chance to appreciate the wonderful people on the forum.

Again I am sad and sorry Sleepy and mblover but so pleased you stay and help us to improve the forum.

A bouquet each of fragrant flowers to you both.


Hi all,

We just want to reiterate what others have said: please don't ever feel like you can't report a post if it's troubling you. No one but the mods will ever know it was reported far less who reported it. It can be helpful to look at the community rules - https://www.beyondblue.org.au/get-support/online-forums/community-rules - and take a moment to think about why a post that's bothering you may be in breach of the rules. However, even if you can't articulate your concerns in relation to a specific community rule, please feel free to report it all the same if it is causing you distress or concern. We may not always agree with your reasoning, in which case the post will remain unedited, but we really, truly do welcome each and every report that comes from our community. This is a shared safe space for all members.

In sum: whenever you're in doubt about a post, err on the side of caution and report away.

Community Member

I have seen people greeting newcomers to BB by telling them they can't say something, or they cannot ask something. I think the first person to greet a newcomer on a new thread should simply be welcoming and perhaps direct the person to other appropriate threads, but I have seen new people post for the first time, which is difficult - and then be immediately jumped on and told they must not say something or they cannot ask something.

Being greeted by being told off or corrected is not welcoming to anyone new. If people have an issue with someone's first post on a new thread, I think they should direct it to the moderators who can deal with it rather than deal with it themselves and perhaps put a new person off.

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

hi hanna

interesting point

i feel a little different on this issue. I think it's good to speak directly to the person if they are concerning or upsetting you moreso than reporting it... i don't see that as being told off. I don't know about directing ppl to appropriate threads. If they are asking for that, that helps but otherwise they probably have posted in to join that particular chat. But I haven't seen that particular convo and don't know if it made the person feel not welcomed. In general, welcoming ppl is personal - we all do it in our own way/styles and unless someone is being spoken to rudely i'm okay with it. Just my opinion.

They were different conversations Sleepy and the people were being told not to say something they said and not to ask a question they asked. This is not about being upset but being bossy to a newcomer. We need to be as welcoming as possible to new people posting. I think if we feel something is a breach of BB guidelines then it's wisest to say something to the moderators, that's all. Cheers.

Hey Sleepy & Hanna.

I think that thread was about me, I'm sorry if I've ever done that. At the time I felt like it was the best answer but looking back I guess you're right, it isn't. I always try to be welcoming of people, current or new, so it wasn't my intention. I must have misread what they were asking. My apologies if I've ever done something like that.

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member
Hi hanna i do feel also that disagreeing is a part of life, so if someone says smething and you agree or have more info or want to make the user feel comfortable, we should our selves try and put forward a different point of view etc and have a convrsation. The user may not have known they were making somone uncomfortable.
So if you can ask them outright or get involved in the conversation i find that can work beautifully on the forums... eg on that particular thread, to say that it is making u uncomfortable and why.