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How can we improve the forums? Your suggestions and comments please

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi all, this thread is a running commentary for all members on things for improvements to the forums. This can be anything from how it looks, the categories, to moderation, community rules etc.

While we might not be able to implement everything straightaway, or keep everyone happy all of the time, we'd like to hear about what you think we can do better.


This is not a thread for discussing the moderation or editing of individual posts - if you have questions about this please contact the team offline via email modsupport@beyondblue.org.au


To avoid repeating suggestions already received, below are some results from our last user survey giving an indication of which new features people would like to see on the forums. This survey was answered by 1,597 users:

44% - Email notification when I have a reply on the forum
39% - Access to the forums via an app
27% - Ability to block seeing posts by specific users
25% - Ability to contact users privately
25% - Ability to use emoticons
25% - Ability to follow posts by specific users
24% - Ability to share links
23% - Forum posts visible only to registered users
22% - A profile, viewable by others users, where I can introduce myself
21% - Ability to quickly access all posts by a particular user
15% - Ability to tag users in a conversation
10% - Ability to share images
6% - Ability to share videos
17% - None of these


Update July 2022 - This discussion has now been closed. Please go to the updated version below to share feedback and follow our updates:

How can we improve the Forums?

957 Replies 957

Hi Sophie, what do you & Not_Batman mean by "nesting replies" please? I'm confused

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Sophie,

Thanks very much for clarifying

Perhaps this idea of reporting a post and the reasons for doing so could be attached to the rules?
Some were saying they found the "report a post" a little bit confusing or didn't know about it.

I like the values that underpin the forum and like how we can work towards those values in 2021 and also that the spirit of the forums is to include and welcome.

G'day Sophie

Subject: "Mark this post as helpful"

I'm new to this very long thread; my apologies if I am rehashing something that has already been flagged, discussed and dispatched.

At the bottom of every post, we see a "Mark this post as helpful" button. In the context of the population that this forum serves, I often wonder if a count above "1", serves any real purpose. This type of button (and counter) has a place on social media, and ecommerce sites, but I wonder if its place here, is as clear-cut or as helpful.

On the positive side, the button gives the author of the post some feedback; on the negative side, the counter does not serve the original poster (OP) or others reading the thread looking for answers.

Without criticising, large post counts on some types of threads, probable have a negative impact on the OP. I'm not saying that this is deliberate, just an unintentional consequence of well meaning members agreeing with what has been said. Unfortunately, when the OP sees the a high count contrary to there feelings, s/he may feel isolated and bullied.

Similarly, posters that see a high count on a particular thread, may not be willing to share contrary views for fear of being out of step with the majority. In this case, the OP loses an alternative point of view.

So the question is; do we need a counter that counts above one. In the current setup, do the pros outweigh the cons.


Hey Mb20lover,  

A “Nesting reply” is the ability to reply directly to an individual comment in a thread and your response will be shown nested (or indented) under the comment. An example of “Nesting replies'' can be seen on Facebook posts. You can reply to the post or reply to another user’s comment.

Hey Mr Paul, 

Thank you for raising your concerns with the “Mark this post as helpful” button. You raise some valid points and questions regarding the usefulness of this function. Previously, a survey was held to determine whether the function should remain. You can read the results here: https://www.beyondblue.org.au/get-support/online-forums/welcome-and-orientation/member-survey-what-s...

Perhaps, it's time to reassess.

Hi mb20lover.

so the nesting is similar to the folder structure in a computer...not following?, dont worry we’ll get to that.

the threads in the forum start with a single post. Then someone responds to that post, and so on. But the posts in the thread can become a bit confusing as someone may be referring to a post that was back a few. this makes it tricky to keep on track of what the original intent of the thread was.

the big red reply button currently allows a user to replay to a particular post, but the reply is still put at the very end of the thread. If you wanted to reply to the second post on the thread, your reply goes right to the end, and nobody really knows what you were responding to.

with the nested format, the idea is that you can have the main thread continue..as an example 3 self care things (from our EM), where the users post thier self care bits. But suppose you add a reply that goes off topic a little. In that case a sub thread is created. Its still in the main thread, but off to the side.

so if you want to continue to post on the main thread you can, if you want to add a Reply to something else you can as well...it just helps to keep the conversation clearer and organised.

think of nesting dolls. You have the main doll, then inside you have another, then inside you have another, and so on... hence the name nesting. If you dont want see the noise of the side conversations, you can minimise it and focus on the main thread.

does that make sense?


Hey Sophie & Not_Batman.

Yeah that makes sense, thanks

Hi Sophie, et al.

Subject: Thread Nesting

At first blush, thread nesting sounds like a good idea. However, the idea does have issues.

If nesting is implemented, we will most likely end up with threads, within thread, within threads; no, that is not a typo. As a result, members will be encouraged to go off topic, and the original thread may become orphaned or hijacked.

I don't think anyone can stop a thread going off topic, but the current linear system of posting does at least discourage the practice.

Notwithstanding the above, some threads, like this one, may benefit from thread nesting.

Just thinking out aloud!


Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

One thing that bugs me a little is that whenever i go into a thread or a post is made, the forum bar/tabs disappear (all posts-new posts-my threads).

i find that when i have made a post i have to go to the “get support” menu option to get back to the forum home.

it may be nice to have the tabs permanently visible or a red button to return the the forum home.

To add to that, i know there is the link text above, (Forums / Welcome and orientation / How can we improve the forums? Your suggestions and comments please) but the text is rather small and can be easily missed.

Hi Not_Batman

i find that when i have made a post i have to go to the “get support” menu option to get back to the forum home.

I find it easier to use the browser "back button". It's not ideal but it does work.

I agree, a button would be useful.

To add to that, i know there is the link text above

I use it only if I want to change forum; which is not often.

Once again, a button would be useful.
