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How can we improve the forums? Your suggestions and comments please
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Hi all, this thread is a running commentary for all members on things for improvements to the forums. This can be anything from how it looks, the categories, to moderation, community rules etc.
While we might not be able to implement everything straightaway, or keep everyone happy all of the time, we'd like to hear about what you think we can do better.
This is not a thread for discussing the moderation or editing of individual posts - if you have questions about this please contact the team offline via email modsupport@beyondblue.org.au
To avoid repeating suggestions already received, below are some results from our last user survey giving an indication of which new features people would like to see on the forums. This survey was answered by 1,597 users:
44% - Email notification when I have a reply on the forum
39% - Access to the forums via an app
27% - Ability to block seeing posts by specific users
25% - Ability to contact users privately
25% - Ability to use emoticons
25% - Ability to follow posts by specific users
24% - Ability to share links
23% - Forum posts visible only to registered users
22% - A profile, viewable by others users, where I can introduce myself
21% - Ability to quickly access all posts by a particular user
15% - Ability to tag users in a conversation
10% - Ability to share images
6% - Ability to share videos
17% - None of these
Update July 2022 - This discussion has now been closed. Please go to the updated version below to share feedback and follow our updates:
How can we improve the Forums?
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lol ive absolutely seen users condescend and jump down new member's throats. doesnt make me feel very at ease these guys are the face of recovery but i won't name names or drop threads or anything because i think the benefit of the doubt is important. or threads that absolutely violate forum rules but i never have the energy because it feels like nobody but me realises "THE ENTIRE POINT OF THIS THREAD IS AGAINST THE RULES ITS BOLDED IN THE PINNED POST". i have to be some hysteric in the masses if it hasn't been taken down though though ive been imagining things a lot lately
also would very much be against the idea of a professional here thanks! can't wait for me to post about how a hotline or treatment didn't do shit for me and have another Dr. Condescension tell me about how im just not good enough at seeking help and threaten me about how i will regret it (what the hell is it with most professionals and being more obsessed in watching you fall years later than helping you in the moment? any docs here lmk)
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Hello Tayla, no, absolutely not, everybody has another opinion, we aren't all going to agree with the same process and how you might be able to overcome any decision made or how to confront the problem because what works for person A doesn't mean it's going to be suitable for person D.
I may say how you will be able to fly to the moon, then who's going to back me up, maybe one or two people, the rest believe it's all rubbish, so for example who could possibly agree with Nostradamus or Jules Verne believing three astronauts would land on the moon, or similar back in 1865, no one.
So what you have to say contributes to the understanding of mental illness, and perhaps one day all we need to do is walk through a machine with depression and come out and it's all gone.
These miracles and more are bound to happen, so what is said should be taken as gospel, everybody is different.
Best wishes.
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I would not be keen on doctors or psychiatrists writing on the forum but would be open to MH nurses, peer workers or social workers...
I also think sometimes the pushing of helplines here is a bit much.
Helpines help some ppl some of the time
There is no formula to being well.
As someone with PTSD some of the helplines pushed for any problem have retraumatised me bigtime.
I know it's from a good place but if someone says it isn't helping, they should be believed and not as eight says, implied that they need to try harder to be well
I'm not sure, but my gut feeling is that everyone is trying really hard to stay well, if they are already on the forums and admitting to being in pain. Sometimes we try harder than anything and a system lets us down. And then we can't just try harder, we have to try different.
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Hi Mark totally agree. I have anxiety and the same experience. Sorry they weren't helpful, it can be hard and frustrating
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Hello everyone
I think it is good having a discussion.
I wonder how we can use this information to help improve the forums.
I understand that not everyone needs a help line so I only suggest them when I think may be helpful. I think people coming to the forum have so many different problems so there needs to be a range of options available.
People need to respect others opinions so everyone feels safe. I hope this would happen naturally. Any ideas to help this happen.
Thanks for your honesty.
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Hi Quirky, totally agree with u
Helplines are just one method
Depends i guess on what ppls needs are immediately and long term - eg to stay safe, to get support, or maybe sometimes just to be believed.
I guess it's good food for thought.
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Dear Sleepy,Quirky, mb20lover, Matchy69, eight and anyone I've not mentioned:)
We fill a unique position, which is not matched by help lines or crisis lines - or web chat.
- Firstly there is true anonymity, somethng may crisis lines will not accept, and is open to anyone in Australia
- Secondly there is never any need to repeat one's story, and in fact need not mention it at all to start with and can 'test the waters' before gong further
- Thirdly we are not time-limited, even if very slow
- Fourthly and most importantly we are peers, i.e. people who have suffered the same, or near enough to understand. We are not clinicians who see "patients", and we are not volunteers, highly trained or otherwise, who lack that vital lived common experience.
- We are also moderated, which means we are safe here
So as Sleepy says things depend upon what people need. The number that have a need for what we offer is unbelievable.
We do need to improve the technical side of the Forum, making it more phone-friendly among other things, and this is being worked on.
We also need to keep on getting your thoughts, anything is always open to improvement and that includes this place.
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