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Coping during the Coronavirus outbreak
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As a result, we created this thread to allow people to come together here during those difficult times and encouraged those wanting to share or seek support to do so here in this space.
It was important with this thread that we maintained perspective and supported each other as best as we could, medical, scientific and public health experts around the world have and still are working hard to contain the virus and treat those affected.
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Holy Toledo , couldn't they have made it a bit simpler . What they think we've got nothing better to do that go through all that bs with yet more apps and garbage.
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Hi Everyone!
Thankyou mmkitty...RX....CMF...meforcats....Added....Hanna3 and Dools for your help ✔✔✔
I used to be really good at IT.....anyhow..I will get it to work later when I have the patience lol
I have downloaded MyGovID....Service Victoria and Medicare app....
So many nice people on the forums 🙂
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See what Added did a couple posts back?
Now I looked again, into my Express Plus Medicare App & discovered I can skip past loggin myself in, because it looks as if it seems to recognise me, (but Log IN is available), then, skip past 'Sign In As Someone Else'. Then, there is a button 'Offline Items' & when I tap that it opens to a page announcing 'COVID-19 Digital Certificates' & mine is mentioneded there. To see the Certificate proper, tap that.
I think the problem is that they think they don't have anything better to do beside mess us around.😼
What's more, thee is a seperate certificate to obtain if you want to travel overseas...🙀
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Hi mmMekitty and Paul and others
That's what I do - have it on the Medicare app offline.. Medicare keeps saying it's attached it to my NSW covid login but it's not there and I've updated everything and tried over and over but it won't work..
I did Google the problem and apparently the Medicare Express app keeps crashing from the number of people trying to download the certificate.. Otherwise I don't know why it isn't connected!
I pity elderly folk who aren't up to date with technology!
I'm sure it could be done more simply somehow!
Good luck Paul and let me know how you go! 🙂
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Good luck with it Paul.
Hugs to you.
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Hey blondguy Paul, I hope you're well?
Re: accessing your Vax Cert... I had my kids download the Medicare App.
Then I followed the links on there that mentioned anything to do with Covid lol.
Then my Cert appeared - yay.
I took a screenshot of it, so it ended up in my "Gallery" of photos. (I can use this over and over without going through the mire again lol).
I was then able to attach this photo to a text message and send this text to my boss.
If I wanted a hard copy then I would attach this photo to an email on my phone and email it to myself.
Then print it out from my email.
Hope this helps!
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Shelll said:People I care about may be fired from their job, if they choose not to be vaccinated. People that need to provide for their families, their little ones. How is that for freedom of choice? Sounds like blackmail, bribery or coercion to me.
Employers offering discounts, free vouchers etc to employees if they chose to get the jab. Sounds like bribery to me.
I agree Shelll.
Love EMxxxx
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Yeah that's what l originally said too. l'll just find the damn thing and take a picture of it. Keep that on my phone, doubt anyone's gonna bother needing to look past that just to go into places.
One day , when all the hoo haa settles haha.
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Hi all,
Ppl are being a bit intense about the vaccination certificates here, it's all been very quick and a lot of my friends are struggling with the tech side of it,
Instead of suggesting options eg maybe email it to me til it gets sorted, or offering to help vulnerable ppl get a print copy, ppl are getting screamed at etc... gosh.
Today I went to a business and forgot my vac certificate as I didn't have my phone on me so I wasn't let in. OK fine, but the screaming and lecturing was too much for me. She assumed I was anti Vax or deliberately sneaky. I he'd my ground and said, we are all getting used to new technology, so let's be kind. No excuse ever to scream at or embarrass anyone, in these times. Made me sad and felt vulnerable, as being screamed at is a trigger for me.