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Coping during the Coronavirus outbreak
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As a result, we created this thread to allow people to come together here during those difficult times and encouraged those wanting to share or seek support to do so here in this space.
It was important with this thread that we maintained perspective and supported each other as best as we could, medical, scientific and public health experts around the world have and still are working hard to contain the virus and treat those affected.
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Hi there Sleepy21......it's interesting how different things are between States and yet we are all in the same country...or we were once at least! e.g. I am in Qld and no one up here mentions the Vacc Cert thing at all. It's just not an issue...no one ever asks anyone entering a premises if they are vacced or not, or seem to care that much! Neither I, nor anyone I know is bothered about it at all. just sayin'.....
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Hi cmf
I have read your reply post to me a few times now. And wondered how to reply back. Its very tricky knowing what I know and not wanting to say anything to promote anymore fear in you or anyone else.
It would not have been easy for you with your son begging you like that I am imagining.
You did what you believed was best and right for yourself and your children. Most likely from a heart of love.
I am sorry you have felt scared. I have as well in all this, but for different reasons.
You love your son, daughter and little miss which is very clear to me and its beautiful.
Much care to you cmf
Shelley xx
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Hi ...it sounds like it is different. Here in my area , Victoria, some ppl are defensive and aggressive regarding the certificate....I have mine but have had some difficulties accessing it, for issues related to my anxiety etc I someti,es do go out without my phone just to get a break , and in full honesty forgot...it hurt me that I was atta ked for this. I accept not being admitted but the tone and outburst shocked me.
It is new technology for us all.
I have found a solution so hopefully will be better prepared next time...just a rough moment
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Hello Sleepy21,
There is no excuse for staff to yell & scream at anyone for not having a Vac Certificate on them. Even if you kicked up a stink yourself about not being allowed in. If they were to say they would call the police, let them. But really, it's much better if you keep your cool.
Personally, if it is a business that provides goods or services, which other businesses could provide, I'd be not going to that one where I was harassed anymore.
Then, I would want to make a complaint to the business owner, about how the staff treated me.
I wonder how much business these places lose because their staff treats people rudely, in this or any other situation? If there were other people there at the time, how did they react?
Yes, indeed, a little patience & understanding that whenever rules change it takes a while for people to adjust. But that does not explain away or excuse the owners& managers failure to train their staff to act with politeness, respect & courtesy at all times.
Are you keeping a printed copy of your certificate on you, now?
All the best,
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Sleepy 21
That's shocking to be screamed at. What's wrong with some people? They don't have a right to treat people like that. They shouldn't be in a job where they are dealing with the public.
I hope you're feeling better today.
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Thing is.
Don;t think you guys have even had one real and serious lockdown though have you or ? Let alone hard locked down for nearly 300days 6 times. And you could count the cases on one hand , maybe if they'd been locked up so long and were getting 2000 cases a day , they might feel a little different would be might guess.
Buttttt, sleepy being yelled at , that's a disgrace , sorry you come across someone like that sleepy.
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Hi Moonstruck,
I would like if Australia was the one country it appears to be on the map, even Google thinks we're a single country. I would like if those of us in Qld remembered that., & to take this as seriously as if we could easily find ourselves in severe crisis, too.
I'm worried enough about the complacency, that I am still staying out of large supermarkets. Even thinking of travelling more than a couple suburbs from my place, is not something I am wanting to do
With my helper, who does the Check In for me, we still use the hand sanitiser & she is able to wear a mask. So far, no one has asked about our vaccine status, & very few have asked about me not wearing a mask. That has not been a huge issue with anyone, but I still feel nervous.
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Hi mmMekitty
I am listening to Dr Norman Swan's corona cast daily on the Abc and he says even fully vaccinated we can still get very sick with the virus and he said to wear a mask and keep distancing and only to sit outdoors at cafes. He's still not going to a gym.
He said after we've all had a booster shot we should have more immunity.
Those who don't get vaccinated are the main ones in ICU here in Australia and he said they are spreading the virus more, so we do still have to be careful.
These are still tricky times!
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Hello everyone,
Thanks Hanna3,
I listen to Coronacast too, each morning with my coffee. I keep wondering why this obsession with Dr Swan's gym/no gym? Surely that is a personal decision he has made, based, as he says, on the knowledge & information he has to hand. I think some people are teasing him just a bit.
I've enjoyed listening to him for a long time, the Health Report, in particular. He explains things so well, with the extra added bonus of his voice & accent! 😸
My own PDr has been particularly cautious, but he has spoken to me about going into his place again next year. I'd be travelling again, via taxi, or I've been contemplating, having my helper drive me to & from. My PDr is intensely concerned that the privacy of all patients is maintained. When I went there, & when he would call me, he would lock the front door so no-one could come in from the street, so he has confirmed he would not be comfortable with my helper waiting there while I was in session with him. Even on his porch, it is not comfortable, & patients sometimes will wait out there, too, if they arrive early, & the front door is still locked. I've done that myself. It feels awkward when another patient is there, waiting for my PDr's colleague. So, I don't know, it may be too uncomfortable for other patients if my helper is waiting for me, whether in the small waiting room, or on the porch.
Because of varying attitudes people have, & whatever restrictions will be in place, I'm not assured taxi travel will be reliably available when I need. This is the biggest problem I have with going to see him at his place next year. I have been able to completely avoid the issue while we have sessions using telehealth.