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Coping during the Coronavirus outbreak

We recognise that many of us here in the community are feeling scared, worried and overwhelmed about Coronavirus (COVID19). 

As a result, we created this thread to allow people to come together here during those difficult times and encouraged those wanting to share or seek support to do so here in this space. 
It was important with this thread that we maintained perspective and supported each other as best as we could, medical, scientific and public health experts around the world have and still are working hard to contain the virus and treat those affected. 
The Beyond Blue Support Service is available via phone 24/7 on 1300 22 4636 or via beyondblue.org.au/get-support for online chat. 
There are some other helpful discussions taking place here within our forum community that you may find helpful to read or participate in: https://www.beyondblue.org.au/get-support/online-forums/staying-well/hi-there-i-only-just-joined-and... 

This thread is now closed for further posting. Users are still able to read through and find support through already existing posts.  
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Community Member

I don't think it's an obsession about Dr Swan going to gym mmMekitty - I just take it that he's not OK going to somewhere where there is a good chance of a lot of virus circulating, so I take that advice.

Sorry I don't know what PDr is. I hope you are able to get taxis OK.

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Sorry Hannah, my PDr is a little shorthand I invented for 'Psychiatrist', because I tend to write too much for the character count, so some shortcuts are necessary. I thought this one was rather nice, for him, so it is becoming normal for me to use PDr when I want to mention him in a post. Or any other Psychiatrist, I might refer to in this way, when I am writing 'too' much.

& what's more, out of respect, , I would prefer to use his name, but not only would that not be allowed, he has a name as long as 'Psychiatrist'!

Thanks for asking. 😺


Hi rx, mekitty and meforcats, truth what is wrong with ppl at these times taking out their anger on others

As I sat in the drs office recently I heard the receptionist asking ppl their vaccination status, I'm so glad they did it respectfully and are working through it safely. Ppl were admitted who had on,y one vaccination..,,and I saw a few cases of confusion but the receptionist was dear.

Ur right being screamed at does affect my concept of a business and if I would go back. I'm printing mine out over the weekend but I don't want to be treated again with suspicion. The rules were brought j quick, it's all quick, there are many now afraid of walking into a place and not being quick enough to locate the certificate ....my psych has offered to print it for me which I hope will help.

Tbh even hearing them talk about freedom day....like were all being released....freaks me out.

I'm going to wear my mask still and be cautious for 2 weeks, because I need gentle changes, not dramatic ones

I am struggling with the conflicting information and ideas. People I thought were friends are pushing their ideas so hard on me so I'm scared to express how I feel because it is opposite their ideas. I wouldn't mind if they could just agree to disagree. I am feeling very vulnerable because I can't get the treatment I need for my hand so live with ongoing pain. The last telehealth app't I was given more exercises but these are leaving me in extreme pain for days so I can't do them. Face to face appointments won't resume until case numbers drop significantly Unlikely for months. Similarly my husband can't get treatments he needs in hospital and I live in constant fear of something going wrong and me having to cope without medical help. I know this sounds like I'm exaggerating but this is real. When feeling extremely stressed I rang a help line only to be told I'm depressed and need therapy!!! Not helpful when I'm seeing a psych already. I was also told to stay home and stop all my hsb's therapist's and support workers from seeing him so I can stop worrying about covid. I now feel like a complete idiot as I can't just get better by seeing my psych. It must be my fault therapy isn't working. I also feel like I must be selfish daring to shop for food in person (wearing a mask and at quiet times) Obviously I am a failure as a carer as I can't look after my husband without relying on others to help, I'm left with no option but to just keep going feeling worse all the time

Community Member
As I sat in the drs office recently I heard the receptionist asking ppl their vaccination status, I'm so glad they did it respectfully and are working through it safely. Ppl were admitted who had on,y one vaccination..,,and I saw a few cases of confusion but the receptionist was dear.
Ur right being screamed at does affect my concept of a business and if I would go back. I'm printing mine out over the weekend but I don't want to be treated again with suspicion. The rules were brought j quick, it's all quick, there are many now afraid of walking into a place and not being quick enough to locate the certificate ....my psych has offered to print it for me which I hope will help.
Tbh even hearing them talk about freedom day....like were all being released....freaks me out.
I'm going to wear my mask still and be cautious for 2 weeks, because I need gentle changes, not dramatic ones

Community Member

Sorry Sleepy21 - please ignore my last post, I was planning a reply to you and had copied your last message so I could reply properly and I posted your message by mistake without my reply!!! eeek! I feel pretty silly at the moment...

Community Member

l don't blame Dr Swan one bit , l wouldn't be going anywhere near a gym either.

Sweat everywhere , strenuous breathing all over the place and in an enclosed space , forget it. Especially if a doctor whom would have the acute understanding and knowledge of it all far far more than any of us won't go near them.

100% agree to sleep no way l'll be jumping into crowds anytime soon either l'lll be giving all this so called freedom a mth or two from here yet myself. Actually my area's very tricky like that too bc today the HWY was smothered with caravans and people coming up for the long wkend now , so l'll be laying low on this one to that's for sure.

They're still having the blues festival too this wkend l don't believe it. We've managed to keep it down to just a handful of cases in this whole 18mths, Melb's still on 1600 a day and up here by the 1000s for the wkened now so our guys are going ahead with their blues festival, brilliant, l'm gobsmacked. So much for our handful of cases in 18mths, we're gonna have 100s in a few wks now.

The mind boggles.


Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

I was looking forward to going shopping today but have decided to lay low also. It will be crazy busy I imagine. We had a suspected covid case in little miss' class this week. Thankfully it was negative, but still a worry. Older daughter doing vce exams, don't want to take any risks with her either. Our office 'opens' Wednesday but skeleton staff and door remains locked.

Interesting times ahead...

Community Member

Hi CMF and randomx

I agree about laying low and definitely no gyms!

I'm in a regional town and yesterday we had 30 venues where there was covid including all the supermarkets.

Our rural hospital has 4 ventilators.

I'm staying outdoors as much as I can! I'm worried about friends of mine who have underlying medical issues.

The shopping centres here are packed. No thanks!

I'm going to keep listening to Dr Swan!

These are tricky times.

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member
Hi Added, I still feel really welcome,Ed and touched that you even read my message and cared to respond!! I'm grateful.... the support here has want so much. Thank u added! How are u? Here to listen and we all do stuff like that on the forums! Since starting writing 9n my ipad I'm embarrassed....so so many typos . Thanks added