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Coping during the Coronavirus outbreak

We recognise that many of us here in the community are feeling scared, worried and overwhelmed about Coronavirus (COVID19). 

As a result, we created this thread to allow people to come together here during those difficult times and encouraged those wanting to share or seek support to do so here in this space. 
It was important with this thread that we maintained perspective and supported each other as best as we could, medical, scientific and public health experts around the world have and still are working hard to contain the virus and treat those affected. 
The Beyond Blue Support Service is available via phone 24/7 on 1300 22 4636 or via beyondblue.org.au/get-support for online chat. 
There are some other helpful discussions taking place here within our forum community that you may find helpful to read or participate in: https://www.beyondblue.org.au/get-support/online-forums/staying-well/hi-there-i-only-just-joined-and... 

This thread is now closed for further posting. Users are still able to read through and find support through already existing posts.  
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Well , we aren't a free country that's for sure we're nannystated to pieces but just on this lock down business separately yeah , l dunno. The saving of so many lives is a really really big thing l must admit , especially when you look at other countries or the US , proud title holder

ironically l was gonna mention here talking to my mate in Florida just yesterday. The same one who's biggest concern 8 or 9 mths ago was having to pay hotel quarantine while visiting his gf in Arabia , meanwhile Florida at the time was on l forget , 50 or 100k cases a wk or something , it was a lot anyway. Well we were talking yesterday and he's main concern yesterday now is that he wants to sell his house butttt, and he says so casually you wouldn't believe it - so many people have died so there's a lot of houses on the market his valuations dropped, damn eh.


None of us can be totally free. We live in society so we have to fit it with other people's needs. Nobody likes lockdowns but we saw what happened recently when people broke the rules and attended illegal gatherings the case numbers shot up. Unfortunately a percentage of those people end up in hospital taking up beds that others need fir noncovid conditions and leave staff too stressed and unable to provide the care people need. The government then have to come up with more rules to control the situation so we all suffer due to selfishness of a few. My sister lives in the US in a state that is controlled more than Florida. She was looking forward to attending a big event open only to those who can prove they are fully vacinated. After a year of hell last year being afraid to go anywhere because of the high risk of catching Covid and dying from it leaving a severely disabled son she is loving thevfreedom of going to things where she knows only fully vaxxed people can attend so she is safe. Hopefully in few months we can get to thst point so we can live nore normally and enough are vaxxed to allow hospitals to be able to run properly. Just wish thevgovt had done a better job with vaccines earlier so we could have avoided this situation. Remember being told it wasn't a race. I bet a lot of people wish it had been a racefrom the start so we could have avoided all this suffering.

Community Member

Hi everyone. Can I just share some thoughts. I'm actually really anxious worried and nervous right now. I live in Sydney and am fully vaccinated but in a hotspot and freedom day freaks me out.

I have an office job thankfully but since I'm still on probation I still need to go to work for now instead of working from home. My issue is however, that I live with friends who are healthcare workers (I'm single no kids). We're getting covid tested daily but it seems friends and family around me don't intend on celebrating exiting lockdown, instead it will drive them further into hibernation.

I want freedoms back but I don't want to cause a rift in any friendships. If I didn't have friends in healthcare or their patients/clients to think about then I be less concerned about getting on with life but it's getting to the point where I might have to move out...which is why with each new covid19 variant I get more and more anxious. Honestly I feel like Brooks in Shawshank redemption except lockdown is my prison. So where do I go from here?

I feel for the people here especially the anxiety about coming back to work.
There are some employers that don't acknowledge that some workers are more productive working at home. They would rather have staff come back to work and encourage staff presenteeism. Most probably because having empty buildings is costing them money.

I feel for the people here especially the anxiety about coming back to work.
There are some employers that don't acknowledge that some workers are more productive working at home.

They would rather have staff come back to work and encourage staff presenteeism. Most probably because having empty buildings is costing them money.

Community Member

l just can't believe Vic numbers , how is it happening when in Lockdown for mths started at l think it was 30 a day or abouts.

l'm all for demo's especially in this country but unfortunately l do think at a time like this not so smart and they're what did this . But why Vic ? Demos were in Sydney too .

And how is it Vic numbers are yet again the national record and yet even with spending more time in lock down than any other city in the world.?

lt's just mind boggling. Why Vic. l think from memory we also went into back into lock down way earlier than NSW numbers wise, yet now this.

l can't wrap the head around any of it.


Hi randomx

I listen to the AbC Corona cast online in the evening with Dr Norman Swan and he was talking about Victoria last night.

Apparently yes the demonstrations and also that Victoria has had several outbreaks coming from people in NSW. NSW had one case initially, the limo driver for people going to quarantine, so we only had one outbreak to contain not several. And we still cannot control this delta strain.


Elizabeth CP
Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

The demonstrations definitely lead to increased cases. On top of this over 500 people on one day admitted to attending illegal gatherings on Grand Final weekend. I imagine there are a lot more who didn't admit going to the gatherings or didn't bother getting tested after getting symptoms after being infected at the protests &/or the illegal gatherings. Earlier we had the engagement and a religious gathering. These few selfish people led to the spirally numbers as they not -generously share their infections with unsuspecting people.

Today we had a telehealth appointment with a specialist. My hsb requires further procedures to reduce the risk of the medical problems he is having. These problems have led to many hospital admissions and can be life threatening so it is a serious issue. The specialist said we have to wait for the covid situation to settle so hospital's are no longer overwhelmed. It is scarey wondering what is going to happen over the next few months particularly with the high number of cases and its impact on hospitals. Lockdown ending will just make things worse.

Yeah right well you've probably summed them all up right there and thanks for that , unfortunately. At a time like this those things would easily be enough to set this off and yeah of course there would've been 100s maybe 1000s more that they don't know about but the timing is spot on to these latest numbers. And thanks also for filling us in with first hand Uk and Us situations.

Very sorry about your situation Elizabeth too , l hope your both managing somehow and he can get the help he needs one way or other as soon as possible.

Hi Hanna , it's just mind boggling and thanks for the details. And yeah it is hard wondering just how we're gonna control things even vaxed. Vic seems to do above and beyond in trying, hence our incredible lock down numbers, yet we still get this, again. l've given up my 15 min ABC updates as there's just too much going on now and they've just flowed into presser after presser these days. l then just last wk found a quick 5minute update l can catch on the radio at work. But the news guy reading it has the most morbid voice and most overly dramatizing manner in the way he reads everything out, it's just downright unsettling listening to him sooooo, l'm on the hunt once again for yet another way now.

Take care people .


I am very stressed lately due to the situation and the frustration of hearing about people doing the wrong thing and making things worse for everyone else. I need to accept we can't change the situation so need to accept the reality and learn to cope.

I thought I would share some positives of things I've seen where people have made the most of the situation rather than focusing on the negative, Hopefully we will find some inspiration or at least comfort in seeing what other are doing.

Yesterday I was walking in some parkland near us and came across a personal trainer who had set up equipment for a client on a large picnic rug. She commented on how nice it was to be allowed to work in the open. On the way to the GP last week I niced the gym had their back door wide open. They'd pulled equipment out into the public car park so they could run sessions with clients in public so it complied with the law. I liked the way they found creative ways to run their business legally without putting anyone at risk.

There is an piece of open public land near us. A few days ago someone had dug up the ground in sections to make jumps for mountain bike riding. Probably not strictly legal but harmless and I'd rather young people meet with a friend or 2 in the open riding their bikes having fun than sitting indoors where the virus is likely to spread easily.

Their is a dead end road opposite us. Children had painted roadways with stop signs zebra crossings even a fake petrol pump so the young kids could ride their bikes, trikes or scooters around while playgrounds were closed. The signs etc were off the road so it didn't stop traffic.