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Coping during the Coronavirus outbreak
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As a result, we created this thread to allow people to come together here during those difficult times and encouraged those wanting to share or seek support to do so here in this space.
It was important with this thread that we maintained perspective and supported each other as best as we could, medical, scientific and public health experts around the world have and still are working hard to contain the virus and treat those affected.
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Sorry I’m a bit behind on reading the posts. I see it hasn’t been kind to you on the side effects. I am not one to get sick and ( I guess this might be you too) any symptoms of illness at anytime does my head in. I had a fever, exhaustion and ( another Horst for me) didn’t eat dinner nor much the next day. Ice blocks - those tube ones- were good with the fever as I don’t even take over the counter pain relief- yep I’m totally weird! Lol
Rest up is all I can advise- might be a few days. Treat yourself kindly. I’m now into the ‘watch for blood clots with a vengeance” phase but I’m a worried about everything. I can’t imagine a life without worry though I reckon it looks good looking at others - but that might be the other man’s grass is always greener haha. Sending hugs.
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From my experience and that of everyone else I've spoken to the side effects of AZ only last for 48 hrs. There were no side effects from the 2nd shot.
I am finding the lockdown difficult because it feels never ending. I am really upset about the selfish people who deliberately break the rules leading to increasing transmission which makes the lockdown longer. I'm not referring to the many people who are doing the right thing and following the rules yet end up infected or in isolation because they unknowingly go to work or the shops or some other legal destination at the same time as a positive case.
My hsb requires surgery which was supposed to be done ASAP but this outbreak seems to have delayed this. I'm sure he is not the only person in similar situations.
I plead for everyone to do whatever they can to reduce the spread of this virus soo we can all get back to a more normal life. We are all impacted by these outbreaks but in very different ways. Be kind to each other as we all need kindness to cope.
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Hope your husbands op gets done sooner than later. That’s another waiting game you don’t need. Be kind to yourself.
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Thanks for the nice thoughts people. Bodies not use to drugs,hate to think what's in that stuff strongest thing l've taken as long as l remember would be Panadol , however that's spelt .
Anyway , l was jumping out of my skin this morning sun was shining couldn't wait to get out to work and amongst it after all that laying round yesterday haha.
On another note , Gladdy was making some supposedly big announcement today. Ahhh lock down will ease when vax are at 70% ummmm. Well hasn't she been saying that for the last mth or two anyway we know that's the plan already. ldk what was suppose to be some big announcement about it.
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Hi RX and thankyou Needleina for your super helpful input..and Welcome!
just sharing my status with the vaccine....just had my 2nd dose of AZ a couple of weeks ago...just felt mega tired afterwards for 24hours but no big deal
me thinks that there is a lot of 'overthinking' going on with the vaccine...Im not an expert yet having the vaccine is a much better option than being in an Intensive care ward.......or on a ventilator.....ewww
my kindest thoughts
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Hey rx, glad u weren't sore, was the dizziness okay? I'm pretty medically avoidant, don't like taking any meds but in sotuatiom where no choice I will try.... I forgot about vaccination after it happened ! I felt quite tired after but not too bad.
I don't mind it now that I can get out qnd about more, have found some ways to try and get out to nature and also socialise in covid friendly ways
II became quite a hermit for a bit, didn't know how to adjust to our new times and was scared of transmission so just stayed Home endlessly
I need that two hours of exercise. Sun and Human interaction is more essential than I ever understood before this ti,e
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Yeah that's what l was starting to think too Paul so l thought ah well , just get it.
Hiya sleepy . Nah no soreness , just that flue like body thing. Funny though l've still been a bit hypo today too really , woke up full of beans. Feels like l've taken vitamins haha , don't think that's the vax though just a good lay around n rest. But yeah , smoked a bit of dope over the years and certainly don't mind a drink but meds, never touch them really , cold tablets from the supes about as strong as l go, only get a cold every 3 or 4yrs though so can't really even count those.
Glad you didn't get any side effects , so nice that you can get out again too. And you bet sun air nature people, natures medicine fantastic after going through it all yet again, great stuff. And your vaxed , nice sleep, look after yourself eh and hang in there , give yourself what you need as best you can.
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Hi everybody ( oh that sounds like I’m now in Gladys mode haha). Thank you all for sharing your vax journeys wherever you are in the road.
I am now at the stage where I am in hyper alert I guess you’d call it. It’s like all my other regular stresses are pushed away cause I’m just calendar focused on watching for clots. I know this is irrational due to the odds but I can’t stop myself from focusing - arggghhh and reading about it.
I have different counts-day 4 til day 30, (most common )then one to day 42) then the absurd one I found to day 80 which is virtually the 12 weeks til the next vax 🤦♀️
Every twinge I stress over. I also stress cause the mere thought of having to go to hospital sends me in a spin. Taking the vaccine, as hard as that was, is supposed to keep me out of there. My dr told me I would definitely know if it’s something wrong but I have an unbelievable tolerance of pain- major surgery once and not a single pain killer after ( yep in case the meds kill I me I won’t take anything).
I do have brief times when I’m not thinking about it but at the moment it’s messing with sleep still.
The nice part though is I feel I can express it here- no judgement, no solutions ( my husband likes to offer solutions) just ideas and experiences. Thank you everyone. You are helping me more than you could imagine. I’m grateful for you all and hope I too am helping you along your road.
Be kind to yourselves.
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l can't work NSW out.
Saw a clip last night of Bondi yesterday and it was packed. Surfers swimmers people sun baking , wandering about all over the place, people everywhere. Not a bad lockdown if you happen to live near Bondi .
l've had the impression from pressers though the place was locked up like Fort Knox.