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Coping during the Coronavirus outbreak

We recognise that many of us here in the community are feeling scared, worried and overwhelmed about Coronavirus (COVID19). 

As a result, we created this thread to allow people to come together here during those difficult times and encouraged those wanting to share or seek support to do so here in this space. 
It was important with this thread that we maintained perspective and supported each other as best as we could, medical, scientific and public health experts around the world have and still are working hard to contain the virus and treat those affected. 
The Beyond Blue Support Service is available via phone 24/7 on 1300 22 4636 or via beyondblue.org.au/get-support for online chat. 
There are some other helpful discussions taking place here within our forum community that you may find helpful to read or participate in: https://www.beyondblue.org.au/get-support/online-forums/staying-well/hi-there-i-only-just-joined-and... 

This thread is now closed for further posting. Users are still able to read through and find support through already existing posts.  
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Hi randomx....unfortunately we can't just "get on with things" much as we would love to. Our Premier up here in Q and her Medical Officer won't let us.....they are relishing their power and control over us all. The threats, fear and possible punishment that awaits us if we don't follow their rules are rammed down our throats with no let up...no lightness, no hope, no optimism......

Yeah , hear ya moon. lt must be killing business up there too. And here , number 6, gotta be a world record. l think it was ltaly did 3 and refused to lock down again from there.

Hopefully now that we're finally getting the vaxing numbers up , we start to see some changes eh.


Well , l am now vaxed one.

lt feels strange doesn't it l mean with all the fuss the news and everything of the last 19mths, it all turns it into some big thing doesn't it.

My d couldn't get hers bc they didn't have any Pfizer but ldk wth they didn't just tell me that the other day instead of 20 mins just on her appointment ad then another 15 today just bc her medicare number was wrong, then they say they don't have any after all that , ahhhhhh. !!!!! So she has to book in all over again in another town .


Hey rx, how u feeling? Is it sore or ok? I'm having trouble getting ,y second dose booked in, they are hard to deal with. They booked one for me then texted me it has to be cancelled, they are reserved only for second doses....mine was a second dose so bit silly

Hiya sleep

Actually l feel a bit dizzy tbh . but not sore at all as yet. l had the AZ even though l'm not near the age they're now saying this wk, should be right bc with other countries it's 40 and above. There's still a pfizer shortage right now so l wanna leave that for the people that really should have that one.

But that doesn't surprise at all , sorry sleep l hope you can sort it out. My daughter rang trying to book us somewhere earlier and it was just ridiculous , l hear ya. The local clinic 5mins walk away from my place, told her bc we aren't l forget the term but like we haven't used that clinic yet , well her or l haven't needed to go to the doctors yet . But they wouldn't book us in . Instead we had to book in 35mins away over in one of the other towns .


Hey Randomx, I also got mine at a pharmacy. I was with my 19yo son and we went together. I found it so less stressful than the dr's surgery. I had booked one at the doctors surgery a few weeks before but chickened out and left before I got the jab. They were not supportive or kind even though I expressed my anxiety about getting the shot. The pharmacy was calm and no one there and it was peaceful. It's now two weeks since I had it. I felt crappy the next day but good since. My head has been in highly anxious state but it's all in my head - physically I'm ok just the normal twinges our bodies get every day. Good luck - stay positive x

Hi Fearless , thx for that.

Yeah l hoped a pharmacy might be less stress too. They were good l must admit, really nice. l thought all the fuss was over nothing but there turned out to be a lot of people waiting so they were that busy after all. My d is 20 though and l was a bit annoyed that after all that they wouldn't do her just bc of a damn number. Buttttt, l suppose they're told by Govs .

Feel pretty wrecked today, it said that's pretty common next day. l was gonna work but nope forget it.

Take care


Hi all....for what its worth, I seemed to find it a breeze compared to some stories I'm reading on here. Some months ago when the AZ arrived here in our Q city, my GP surgery simply rang up one day out of the blue saying "We've got some vaccine, would you liked to come in and get some?' oh Yeah Ok, may as well. They reminded me when the second one was due and that was that!

Zero side effects, absolutely none. didn't even feel it nearly as much as an ordinary blood test in my elbow...no pain, no swelling, no tiredness....didn't even know it had happened. So hope is works out as smoothy for you all...

Hi everyone!

My partner decided to get AZ because the pharmacist across the road was administering it. He really loved that it was so easy to go and come back and he had a good experience. He had flu symptoms for a couple of hours but then he was better. It's great that it was so easily accessible.

I hope everyone is coping during this lockdown (I know it is very challenging, I definitely go through 'slump' days). I try to keep telling myself one day at a time.

Pleased for you RandomX I know this was a huge deal for you. Sorry about the stuff up with your daughter.
Hope you are feeling ok. My symptoms didn’t kick in til 24 hours but it seems there is no rhyme or reason about timing or symptoms. Water was my best friend ( something I don’t drink enough of normally. )