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Hi , new to this , don't know what to expect , suffer from anxiety and depression and C-PTSD , live alone out in rural Aus and just wanted to talk , some form of contact ,
112 Replies 112

Community Member
Just wondering how long is normal for anxiety attack to keep going , mine is now into second week , very little sleep ,

Hi squiddly , sorry I missed yr post , I'm a bit all over the place at the moment , apologies

What's yr horses names ? What part of UK are you from ? I have been watching Dr who since late 1965 , I can't do scary movies , need comedy all the time , British comedy is my first choice , from dad's army to only fools and horses to on the buses and porridge , minder of course , the list is huge and my British comedy and movie section vast

Hi Kitty , glad you are back here with us , no need for sorry for reply delay , all that matters is you replied , no pressure , pressure isn't good , glad your doing well today , me not so great unfortunately . Wow 11 km is a huge distance to walk , I used to walk around the river in Perth , Coode St to the causeway and back , not sure how far it was though , exercise is not only good for our physical fitness but also for our brains , release of good indorphins . Yeah concerned about the D n A tests with anxiety meds , some do show up and the ones I was on didn't show up but could produce a false positive test result , and I do think I was more level or more able to cope when I was on them , certainly didn't have the anxiety that I am now experiencing now and have been for the last 2 weeks , 2 weeks this coming Wednesday morning since the trigger , I was told by go it can be up to 6 weeks for anxiety meds to kick in , don't know if I can do 6 more weeks of this , today I got my first covid Vax needle , did a good shop , 2 loads of washing which sounds easy but I don't have mains water out here on the property , too far from town for that , it's all gravity fed water from a tank on the hill above the house , so can't use a normal washing machine , it's a twin tub and got to fill and drain for each wash and rinse and got to be carefull how much water used and drained , oh I paid my resume lady in town late this Arvo too , she works in a bar/ backpackers type place , it used to be an old pub originally , it does still have a small front bar , it's rather nice , really old though , it wasn't so rainy here today , had been raining for a week or more , kinda nice but with anxiety it kinda pails into the background . I'm told that it can take some time to find the right anxiety medication for our particular make up , I guess it's hit and miss but how laborious going through different meds when they can take up to 6 weeks to kick in , it could take ages to find the one that works , it worries me a lot ,

Squiddly it sux that your family are so far away in the UK , hope they are all ok with this covid virus going around , can you ring/skype them , not the same as being there though really , I hope things get better for you ,

Hey mate! That’s ok don’t stress for missing a reply, it’s all fine.

my horses are Rocky, Blue, Noo and Jigsaw.

only Jigsaw is ridden as the others are old and retired!

omg I love Fools and horses best ever!

im from Salisbury, near Stonehenge, been an Aussie for 17 years and love it. But miss family, especially with the closed borders.

But what can we do, except reach out to each other.

I am off to ride now. I’ll see you later xxxxx

Thanks Rainshaddow, how are you feeling today?

I read your reply to kitty, sounds like you were very busy!

Hang in there, I found my meds worked quite quickly, yours might too.

when I’m feeling really bad I try to shout my life down into hour blocks, and just keep moving on hour to hour. Then I start to feel more in control.

sending u a hug love squiddly

Hi squiddly , today was not so bad , went out and watched some cart racing , good to be out of the house , progressed a bit further towards going back to mining , not a bad day , it's best when I'm around people or really busy , as soon as I stop and nobody is around is when I go down hill , perhaps I'm needy ? ? ! ! Hmmmm ? I'm going to hold off on meds for now , want to pass a medical to get back to mining , glad yrs have worked for you , it's such a relief when they work , how was your day today squiddly? Thankyou for the hug squiddly , I needed that and appreciate it ,

Hi Rainshaddow, I really appreciate my washing machine now! Wow! That sounds like so much work to wash some washing. Hey that’s great that you went out and about even if it was just to shop and get vaccinated. I get really anxious every time I leave the house, which annoys me a little. So going shopping for me is major I get super stressed and anxious. Do you struggle with this as well? I think I struggle because there is so many people out and about. Hopefully you can work out your meds for D nA testing.
I don’t know if this would help you - my doctor sent me for a PGx blood test that works out what medication would suit my genetic make up best. I am still waiting for results but then I will go on the recommended dose from that. I am hoping that will help my anxiety instead of trying each medication at a time. The only downside is the PGx blood test cost $147, it’s not covered by Medicare.
Also I have failed a D nA test at work before for pain killers. I had told my workplace that I was on them and got approval (this was just a letter from my GP). And it was no problem I had 2 days off work with pay and the lab came back to confirm that I failed due to my prescribed medication. So I was straight back to work after that. I think if you just tell the mines that you are on this medication (through a GP letter) you will be right if you still wanted to go for a job with them.

Don’t know if that helps at all?

Hi kitty , yeah the joys of rural living with doing washing , yes I have really struggled with going out shopping , more so when I lived up in Perth , way too many people , I have been known to just walk away from a shopping trolley part full as if gone at wrong time when the shops were too busy for me to cope , so yes I understand how you feel when you go shopping , bit better for me now back shopping in a country town , there is a Woolies outside of my town a bit in a small outter suburb , it's also the road out to where I live ,I am 25 ks from town ,it's about 3/4 of the way to town , I shop there as it's really quiet and very few people . Back to my dr tomorrow to talk to him again about my meds and referral to councilor or psychologist . So glad you mentioned about that PGx test , I will ask my dr about that , that will make things so much quicker and less hit n miss with meds , geez that would be right not having the cost of the test covered by Medicare , something heaps of people would need to help them faster and they won't cover it , I hate that ! That's lucky that you got cleared after the pos d n a test eh , I am hesitant to start meds prior to having a job as I recon they may say 1 bloke on meds and and another not in meds , we employ the one not on meds , so I try to tough it out and get some councilling to help a bit . See what happens I guess , I got more stuff done today , not many people about in town , went to a new place for my resume and help with all sorts of job stuff and internet stuff to do with jobs and placement and training etc , a state government thing here in WA , I got some new parts for my dinosaur twin tube washing machine and fitted them , I applied to join my local SES , figure I got to force myself out into community and make new friends , also joined my local volunteer bush fire brigade , we had a huge fire come through our property 8 or more yrs ago and it trashed a huge area in our district . How was your day today ? How are you in yourself ?