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Work stressed- comparison with colleague etc

Community Member

Feeling unrecognised and being told about how my partner at work is doing such an amazing job. Boss being indirect about the possibility of continuing next year's contract (currently on a 1-year fixed term contract), by mentioning that other permanent staff are coming back from their leave. I directly asked if this meant you would like me to leave but the boss said “No, of course I would like you to stay.” But I felt the opposite. I'm not sure what to do as this conversation still bothers me and makes me doubt my performance and what I'm doing a lot. 

1 Reply 1

Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear Fishies~

Not to have an accurate believable appraisal of one's work leaves on in limbo. There are some jobs where one can easily judge one's performance in terms of numbers, in others it is a matter of how others perceive you


I am guessing you have one of this second group and have to rely upon your boss's words -which sounded positive. You may have an instinct they were insincere, though how much of that was justified gut-feeling and much due to anxiety I don't know. You probably have a better idea of how you have felt about other things in the past.


I would think you might be able ot get some better idea from a third party, either a colleague, or even your partner.


May I ask if you enjoy your job and get satisfaction out of it, or is it simply a matter of finances and maybe the convenience of both of you working in the same place?


I've been lucky and managed to be in positions I enjoyed, and that makes a huge difference. If you are unhappy where you are there is nothing to stop you casting around to see if there is something you might enjoy more.


Do you think the whole matter is something you can talk over with your partner and gain support? It does make a difference.


If you felt like letting us know how you get on that would be great

