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Work anxiety

Community Member
Hello all . I have experienced a lot of anxiety over the last 14 years. I have been bullied in the past which has caused varieing levels of anxiety. I work as a receptionist at a medical centre. Had a realy bad day recently. Where all kinds of things that dont usually happen went wrong.and caused me to get high levels of anxiety and make more mistakes. Just to name a few things. The carpet got wet as the roof was leaking.the fax machine did t work.it was very busy and I was the only receptionistlooki g after four doctors who where all annoyed because the nurse didn't come in. It all ended in one of the drs shouting at me and flinging a clip board onto the desk in front of me. I got reported to my manager by this dr as with e erything that was happening mistakes get made.My manager cant understant why I get in such a state over thease things. I dontthi k she understands anxiety. I am unsuprisingly. Thinki g of looking for another job. But just the thought of that gives me anxiety. Any kind words and encouragement would be much appreciated.many thanks. Whyte Whitch
1 Reply 1

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Wyte witch

Welcome to the forums and good on you for having the courage to reach out too!

Im sorry you have been doing it hard at work..Being a medical receptionist would sometimes be demanding for anyone as you have so much to contend with at the same time

I dont know what symptoms/feelings of anxiety you have been experiencing..Everyone has different symptoms

Can I ask if your position has become stressful during this Covid-19 period? I understand your situation as I used to have bad anxiety when I was working as well Wyte witch...If you can elaborate on your how your anxiety feels we can provide more effective support...Example....Are you sleeping reasonably well?

The forums are a safe and non judgemental place for you to post!

my kind thoughts
