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Career change anxiety

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

I've been spending some time at home raising a family.

I have recognised that I don't have any desire to return to what I am qualified in. However I don't know what else to do! I have social anxiety and feel this is a big barrier to the type of roles that I would like to do. Ie I could never be a teacher, or in a role where I need to be strong, assertive and outspoken. It's just not in my nature

Id like to study something but don't know what.

Has anyone undertaken a full career change in their 30s? How did you cope with the anxiety?

4 Replies 4

Community Champion
Community Champion

I am very close to 50 and looking at a career change. More on that shortly. My wife sort of changes careers in her 30s - from a high school teacher to working at a public pool and now supervisors the swim coaches.

I have nearly completed a dip. in counselling - it is my out from IT. Things in IT are not for me anymore and it took a breakdown and worse for me to determine that I could do something where I feel I could be useful That said in one of the questions in the last module make me think "this is now real!" - not that I did not think that before but I am still coming to grips with that.

As for study, what sort of things are you interested in?

Listening to you - Tim

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Tim,

Thank you so much for your reply! Wow good on you for studying for a change too. I think happiness is so important but yes, taking that first step is so scary.

My background is in social work, and I just feel like I don't have much to give anymore. I honestly don't know whether it's because I'm tired (with little kids sapping me of energy!) Or whether I really need the change. I am currently looking at roles and I read the PD and just have no desire to return.

My other interests are completely varied, which makes my decision harder! I love computer type work but there are so many options. I worry that being behind a screen/on a desk all the time won't work for me but at the same time I love the idea of less human interaction. So maybe accounting? IT? Analysis?

On the other extreme, Ive considered early childhood education as I do enjoy kids and have an interest in early development. My ideal role would be working with children with disabilities but living in a regional area, the options are slim. The cons of that type of role is that I've heard it's hard work, tiring with little pay.

So I go around in circles a lot. Whatever I choose requires retraining, but with that I need to be confident before I spend time and money on a course.

Community Champion
Community Champion
I know what you mean about being confident to make a decision before investing money.

My niece works in early childhood education. She did part of it while at high school and the rest later. It was something she wanted to do. Perhaps a bit like going to uni because it is or was expected. My son is doing a cert in fitness and is a swimming coach and lifeguard. Again doing something because it is right for you.

There are plenty of opportunities in the other areas you mentioned. And as for a way of getting in going via TAFE or similar should work. I went to TAFE after high school and did business computing and then went to uni. Even data entry can get you into some places. The options you mentioned are quite broad these days. You could always write a list of pros and cons for each option.

I don't know if this next but would help except that I also had (?) to look at my values around the same time. Homework from my psychologist.

Your wanting out of social work... I got I feel burnt out from IT. It is just the way things are.

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Thank you! It is nice to hear from someone else who understands.

I think I just have to keep looking at my options, and see what is going to work best for me right now. A pros and cons list is also a great idea!