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- Re: Work Anxiety and Stress
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Work Anxiety and Stress
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Hi! I am currently finding myself in a very contradictory situation. I feel as though I want to leave my current workplace and look for something new. There are pros and cons to staying and pros and cons of leaving. I have been so anxious and scared that I won't make the right decision.
My current job is very flexible and close to home, I have the option to work from home and overall sounds good on paper. Although I am told I am valued at my workplace I don't feel as though I am. I find that a lot of the jobs I am asked to do is because someone else doesn't want to, or can't be bothered - such as putting their own things and work away, or putting something back once they have used it. I am lucky to have learned some new skills however, that are worthwhile and good to have on a resume. I was only really taught these things whilst one of the employees was away for a handful of months due to personal reasons, and they haven't come back to working their normal hours. I feel as though if that wasn't the case I don't think I wound have been provided the opportunity to learn these things. I feel as though I dn't necessarily fit because I am the only person in a different role. Everyone says that my role is important and without it the workplace would be a mess, but it feels like one of those things you say just to be nice.
A new job I feel will be refreshing and a challenge in a good way and bad. I find that due to my mental health I will be unreliable and won't always be able to cope at work / in the workplace. It may be far from home, which could be a challenge as I want to remain as close to home as possible as I am not confident in driving or taking public transport. I am worried I will fail and wish I never left my other workplace. I am anxious that I might hate it and it will be too stressful.
I worked so hard to get my degree and am struggling to find work due to lack of experience and lack of confidence in myself being able to do the job.
My psychologist and gp are saying i should leave and find something new. Failing is learning, and that if I hate a job I am better off trying and knowing it was not for me, than wondering what if.
I don't know what to do. Realistically I am scared! Scared of the whole process, making the wrong decision, forcing myself to stay in a place I am no longer finding joy, scared of trying something new and it not working out.
I would love some insight and your thoughts if you made it this far through my blabbering!
Thank you
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Dear T-sauras-rex~
I'd like to welcome you here to the support forum, it is a good place to come to as if you are uncertain about things you can talk them over with others that have had similar experiences.
There was one phrase you said that I worried about " I feel as though I want to leave my current workplace and look for something new".
Wanting to change jobs is fine as you are not happy where you are, however leaving that job and becoming part of the unemployed does not strike me a a good idea. No security, no income ,and not having the benefit of saying you are currently employed in your next job applications.
Can I suggest a good compromise might be to list down all the things you do like about your current job -close to home, flexibility, some work from home and so on. Then look for another that has those same benefits and try for that.
Every time I've wanted to change I've done this and it has worked well. Mind you I did not always leave due to dissatisfaction, but because of family or other circumstances. I"d have been really worried to have nothing to switch over too.
What do you think?
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Hi Croix,
Thank you for your reply.
When I mentioned that I am wanting to look for something new, I was not intending on leaving my job until I had another job lined up. I am not planning on leaving and becoming unemployed. Over the holiday season our workplace is closed and therefore we are not getting shifts, and as casual workers we don't get paid for the hours we don't work. So although I am employed, I currently am not receiving any hours. I find companies tend to put their younger employees on during the holiday season as their wages are legally lower due to age or experience, and. can undertake the same jobs as someone over 21.
I really appreciate your insight and your thoughts, I am struggling to find a company that offers the same benefits at the moment.
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Hi op.
l dunno , all through your post one thing kept jumping out at me, the soul. lt's just soul destroying feeling the way you are at work or with any of the big things in life, just sucks the happiness and life out of us and it's all in your words.
l agree with them go for it , nothing ventured nothing gained, yaknow.
Yeah it's a bit scary but not much in life worth while doesn't come without some kind of that stuff at first right but in your case it's better than being miserable.
Croix has some good ideas there like you could keep working for now and browse if that's your worry, focus on something else close too like this one and other things your looking for in something new.
Anyway , good luck in whatever you decide.
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Thank you Randomxx!
I am going to read over your post again and again anytime I'm felling the way I do; wether it is work or just something in life. You've helped make me feel more optimistic. I think your words might just be the bit of support I need to give this a go, whether thats now or in the near future! You really made me feel like I am not the only one who is feeling as I am at the moment.
Thank you!
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Ah that's good op and nope your not the only one not by a long long shot.So many things in life but works a big thing too isn't it yaknow. lt's like sleep, takes up a lot of our life doesn't it so to me it doesn't matter whether we be sweeping streets or a king, only that in whatever we're doing there's a few of the things in it that are important to us.l've always thought 2 out of 3 ain't bad haha.
Good luck.