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Why do I get so much anxiety about being needed!

Community Member
So a therapist once told me to try and pinpoint what triggers my panic attacks so I can try to work on it. Turns out I have figured out I mainly get it when I feel like everyone depends on me which is a massive problem because I have little kids, so that’s ALL the time! I just don’t know how to fix this. Night time is worse as all my kids wake up through the night and pretty mich every time one of them cries out My body goes straight into panic mode and I spend most nights soothing kids back to sleep and then having to sooth myself down from a panic attack. I just feel so hopeless, like how will I ever get better if the things triggering my panic are a daily part of my life! And then the feelings escalate because I start thinking ‘everyone needs me but I’m a total mess who can hardly function!’ Very hard to give myself positive self talk when I just can’t get out of the panic spiral.
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Hello Guest_9486,

Thank you for sharing your thoughts and feelings. It sounds like you are going through a difficult time and are feeling overwhelmed. It is good to hear that you are seeking support from your therapist. If you are struggling to ground yourself please do not hesitate to contact one of our professional mental health counsellors at our Support Service to work through any challenging moments - 1300 22 4636 or on email and Webchat (3pm-12am AEST) through our website: www.beyondblue.org.au/getsupport 

Our community is also here to support you through this, so please feel free to continue to share what's on your mind whenever you feel up to it.