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When to get help

Community Member
Hi everyone

This is my first post on this forum. It's great to know that there are resources out there to help, especially during these strange times.

I have always thought myself to be a resilient person and have been mindful to look after my mental wellbeing. We have had major events in our lives (like everyone I'm sure!) however I dealt with them quite well.

After a recent event, I've realised my reactions to other events in my life have resulted in me overanalysing, stressing, or feeling like I'm watching someone else's life play out. It's like I'm detached at times. I've had a health concern that so far has two specialists stumped, and will be going to another at some stage. It's good they are doing the best they can to work out the problem. I've mentioned to them the delays resulting from covid and the lack of results are really starting to stress me out, but haven't had any guidance from them. I had one major meltdown with my family and talked it over with them, but I feel it's unfair to unburden on them. I'm trying to put on a brave face to not freak them out so much. Sorry so now I have on here! There is the potential that my health condition is irreversible and will deteriorate, and if so, it will majorly change my life, and theirs. Well, I suppose it already has. I know I shouldn't but I've been playing the possibilities over in my mind. I just can't seem to stop.

I know what's been going on in my life is small compared to others around me, and that it's just a rough patch, when it's over I'll be fine. I don't want my family to worry about me any more than they already are (re health conditions).

Anyway, sorry for the long post and for unburdening here. I don't usually like sharing this kind of stuff, as I know after a while I'll be ok.

Thanks for listening.
1 Reply 1

Community Member

Thank you for sharing. You are always welcome to share here and don't feel you need to dismiss your troubles because others "have it worse". I hope you get the support you need and everything works out for you. Feel free to come back whenever you need to 🙂

All the best