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What's wrong with me - is it anxiety?

Community Member

So for a while now I've been in a state of constant worry about everything in life, but to a point where it is no longer rational. Every day I fear that something random will happen which throw me off balance and upset any plans that I might have in my life - both things that are in my control and things that are not. I worry that my car will suddenly break down and I'll have to shell out a huge amount of money to fix it, and I won't be able to get to work for instance, and they'll think of me as a bad employee, and I'll never again get a job, etc. I worry that my computer will stop working and I won't be able to do any uni assignments, and I'll fail and drop out, and anything I've previously done is all moot. I worry that my 'friends', such as they are, are saying bad things behind my back and secretly hate me, and that I'll never get a GF or any close friends. Every time I go out, I'm worried that I dropped an important card or document somewhere, and that someone will pick it up and find out stuff about me, and that it'll all spiral out of control from there, etc. I can't even bring myself to make any plans more than a few days in advance, as I fear that something will come up to disrupt my schedule and that in the end, it'll all have been for nothing - maybe I'll get sick, or people will cancel, or the weather will turn bad and so on.

This is where it's begun to affect my everyday life, as I struggle to bring myself to take any risks, or make commitments, or try anything new for fear of all the possible ways that it might be wrong. Now not only are my fears themselves exaggerated, but they are all things that one can bounce back from. And yet it continues to pervade my everyday life. I understand that everyone has stresses in their lives (and relatively speaking, mine are not that bad), but I can't help but worry and fret about everything. I don't know whether this qualifies as anxiety but it's something I really need to address, even though I haven't told anyone yet. Where can I go from here?

Any advice is much appreciated.

1 Reply 1

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Fording and welcome to the forums,

I noticed one part of your post immediately...

You said that the symptoms you are describing have begun to affect your everyday life and how you're able to function.

To me this is the most important thing. You know how you feel better than anyone and know what is 'normal' for you.

If something isn't right for you, if something has changed and affecting you... Trust yourself.

It can be scary to make that first step of asking for help. So often you will read here where people feel like their concerns are not significant enough or that they're worried they'll be brushed off. We all seem to go through this so I wanted to reassure you that what you're describing is a completely valid concern.

Where to start? If you wanted to you can read more about anxiety or even try the K10 checklist (a very general guide to check for symptoms) on the BeyondBlue website. But a medical opinion and a long appointment with your doctor is a very good place to begin. If you wanted to you could even print out your post if you feel uncomfortable to initiate the conversation.

I hope you find ways to manage your symptoms soon.
