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Unknown anxiety for 17 years

Community Member
So it turns out I've self medicated my anxiety with alcoholism for the last 17 years without even knowing. I decided 80 days ago my addictive habits had to stop, I gave up my daily alcohol and cigarette habit of 17 years. I can now barely bring myself to go to work through complete fear of I'm not even sure what? I have never felt this way before and it is scaring the life out of me. I went to my first AA meeting Friday night which helped but work is just killing me! Some nights I don't want to go to bed as I know the next step is waking up and having to go to work! All I want to do is have a drink to calm my nerves but ultimately know this is not the solution!!
4 Replies 4

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

HI Raevin and welcome to the forums. First of all congrats and good on ya for trying to get over you alcohol addiction. It can be hard to kick the habbit but going to AA and getting support is an awesome start. And 80 days that is a big achievement.

Like alcoholism it is good to have a support system in place if you have a mental illness or dealing with lots of stress. I recently went to my doctor to get my mental health plan renewed. What this allows is for you to get 6 free (or medicare subserdised) psychology sessions. It has really helped me and I use them to help me manage my anxiety. When I'm really stressed work seems to be something that I struggle with. Through therapy I have gotten strategies on how to cope. I also have my GP on my side and she helps keep me in check. Have you talked to a GP about your anxiety? I really suggest you do so you can get support.

For me it was the best thing I did. When my anxiety was at its worse I couldn't sleep, going to uni (I was at uni at the time) made me feel sick, I would feel tense, and I did have a panic attack once or twice. It was horrible. But know I am managing my anxiety really well. Yes I still have it but compared to then its a 2 and before it was a 9 or 10. I suggest going and getting some help.

I also find something that helps me calm down is meditation. You can use an app on your phone. It helps stop your racing mind and it helps you focus on the moment. This skill and training I know use at work if I'm really stressed.

Hope this helps. Trust me it does get better

Community Member
Thanks MsPurple. I have actually done all of your suggestions, I'm in a group meditation class, I'm on a mental health plan, visiting my GP regularly, eating healthy, exercising more, seeing a psychologist and attending yoga classes. I'm giving everything a shot as I'm at my witts end! As I have spent most of my life drinking and not looking after myself I have enrolled in a TAFE course, my first look in at education in 17 years, to enable me to gain worthwhile employment. This too is now giving me increased anxiety. I don't want to waste anymore of my life thinking about doing things but not acting on my thoughts but I'm just not sure I have the courage to beat this feeling of impending doom!!

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

I know how frustrating it is to still have hightened anxiety when you feel like you are doing everything right. I didn't drink as much, I took my meds, I went to therapy, I did meditation 4 times a week and I walked everywhere. I felt like I was doing everything, yet I still felt anxious. It can be hard to sometime see how much you have improved because you still have some lingering anxiety. After 4 months in therapy my mental health nurse actually disscussed how I was when I first came in and talked about how I had improved. Sometimes looking back and seeing how far you have come can help make you feel better and keep you motivated to stay on the straight and narrow.

I should also suggest eating healthy and trying to exercise 30 mins a day. Studies show that huff and puff exercise helps reduce anxiety. Maybe try doing some planned exercise that increases your heart rate may help. I find going for a jog outside helps. I get fresh air and exercise and my mind is so focused on the environment that my anxiety is reduced.

I also try distraction techniques. I try read a book, have friends over for a cooked dinner, go for a ride, watch a movie etc. It helps me not go down the pit of self pitty and anxiety.

I know this is really general and I know you may also do this, but this is what I find helps with me.

Community Member
Thanks for your help, you are correct I have made massive improvements since my first psychologist appointment a few months ago but am just really concerned I will be dealing with this forever. I will continue to attempt to improve. Certainly being on here makes me realise I'm not the only one with these issues.