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Trigger for my anxiety

Community Member

I have realised that my supervisor at work is a major trigger. My supervisor says she’s supportive (and I do know she is) but her actions are completely different.  Part of my struggle is that she also doesn’t understand how anxiety can affect people.  Some of how I deal with my anxiety are being completely misunderstood.


Any suggestions on how can I get though this

2 Replies 2

Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear Nicky01~

Welcome to the Forum, I'd expect if you look around you may find others in similar situations. It's true those who have not experienced anxiety can have a great deal of difficulty in understanding how it affects people.


As an example at one stage I could not go down my drive to the letterbox and only answered the phone with great hesitation. Who would have predicted that?


Do you mind if I ask about the sorts of coping you do that might be difficult for your supervisor to get the  idea?


You mention she thinks she is being supportive - even if it does not work out that way. Do you think she would be happy to listen to you explain matters? It's possible she may have good intent.


If you would like to let us know how you get on that would be great





Community Member

Hi Nicky01,


I’m so sorry to hear that you have had to go through that at your workplace. 


I think your first option would be to talk to your supervisor and let her know that what she is doing is quite triggering. As you have mentioned she is supportive so it’s likely that she would hear you out and try to change. I know with anxiety even just normal conversation is difficult. There was one night where I just went hungry because even though I had the money, I didn’t want to make the phone call and place the order. However, mustering up the courage to have this conversation will give great benefits for the long run. In my case, I wouldn’t have gone hungry and harmed my health. If your supervisor is supportive i’m sure she is sweet and would be someone you are willing to talk to.


Good luck,
