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Community Member
At the moment I feel really tired and exhausted from my anxiety that is now impacting my depression.
I am also tired of having to hide it. Especially with work.
I can't afford to loose my job but I can't say what's really going on.
I am scared and unsure of what to do. I have lost jobs because of my mental health being so up and down.
I have no one to talk about it to.
305 Replies 305

Hi Truetomyself,

That's great you are looking for a job.

What interests you?

Nightfill is a relaxed job and the teams are usually very friendly if your interested in something like that?

It's hard I am 39. So I genuinely am unsure. Once a teacher. I love to help others. But not sure where to go from here.

Community Member

My tiredness hit me like a ton of bricks today. I'm over it. The last few weeks I have struggled to get out of bed and be productive. Sleeping patterns are all over the place. I was a close COVID contact and just stayed at home mostly for about 10 days. Yesterday I went for a long walk in the morning which was great but the days feel empty. I live alone. I got back home and had breakfast and went back to sleep. The gym, social activities - just, nothing sticks and the cycle repeats. I'm tired and no amount of therapy, massages, mindfulness or anything helps.

In short I'm all over the place at the moment and having a setback. I'm sure I'll be fine, just need to vent.

I understand, helping others is great…. Have you thought about doing a volunteer role?

Hi bluemoonbluesky,

Im sorry you are feeling this way.

How would you feel about starting your own thread so we can support you on this thread?

Thanks Petal. Not sure but I may have had a thread before but I'll keep it in mind. I'm fine, no worse than normal over the past 3 years, it comes and goes in different stages.

Community Member
I can't get out of bed. I am not showering or eating much. I can't sleep. My depression is really bad. I am stuck as to what to do.

I am lonely. I have no one. No friends and am struggling. I am finding it hard to get out of bed and I am in bed all day. I don't know what I am doing with my life. My anxiety is making it hard. I am struggling with my mental illness. I don't know what to do.

I am struggling. I am finding it hard to eat or drink. I am not well. I feel like I want to hurt myself and am needing to release the pain. No one understands how hard it is. I am alone and can't see a way out.

Hi Truetomyself,

We are so sorry that you are struggling tonight with you’re your ability to eat or drink and the desire to self harm. These are really overwhelming feelings to go through.

We have sent you a private message as we are worried about you.
Please remember that if at any point you become an immediate danger to yourself, this is an emergency and you should contact 000 (triple zero).

Otherwise our friends at Lifeline are also available anytime on 13 11 14 or you can visit https://www.lifeline.org.au/Get-Help/Online-Services/crisis-chat for online chat.
Suicide Call Back Service are also available 24/7 on 1300 659 467 or you can visit their website for online chat: https://www.suicidecallbackservice.org.au/phone-and-online-counselling/
We are here for you.