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The beautiful power of women

Community Member

We as a society underestimat the true potential that women bring to the economy. There are total industries that rely on the female work force and I feel they are not totally appreciated for there contribution to our life as a man I respect and am gratful for my mum and the guidance of my sister these many wonderful years.


There are industries like child care, nursing and all the caring profession that as a society we can't live without. I think there are not enough women CEO's. There is also work that needs to be done on the domestic violence front .


The first rule in life is respect your parents and especially your mum because she looked after you and kept you safe from all the harm that would harm you.


Women now drive the world economy. Globally, they control about 20 trillion dollars annually. That figure could climb higher as we develope as an economy. A womens place is not in the home it is equal or even more important then a man. We as a society need to treasure the benifits that women bring to the home and the work place because we could live without them. I beleive we need to work on the gender pay gap as a society we are judged as a society for how we treat the most vunerable and most importantly how we treat women.


We must make sure that our girls in school are highly educated so they can walk there path with pride and dignity. I beleive it is a womens chioce and her decision alone with the guidance of her parents to the decisions they make in life. There should be more university places avalible to women. There needs to be more child and family friendly work places where women can drop of there kids and go to work safely with them having peice of mind and job security.  Women need to be given the freedom to live in peace and harmony to prosper and to grow to reach there full potential in life.


To women in years gone by was a disadvantage but it doesn't have to be that was women are powerful and brilliant at the same time and they have the strength to be successful in the board room and the home we must be gratful for the gift that our mothers and sisters give to us. To this day I still seek my sisters council for important matters.


Teaching boys respect for women at a young age is imperitive to there development as good strong powerful respectful men. You could be the most powerful man in the world but if you don't respect women as a rule you will not be ultimately successful.


Women need to realise there full and powerful potential.  




1 Reply 1

white knight
Community Champion
Community Champion

Hi, welcome,


Thankyou for posting but I have a few problems with the post. I dont clearly see where the relevance is to mental health issues and I dont see any questions to be answered which is how this forum commonly operates.


Most of what you said I agree with and could even expand on eg I believe we need far more female leaders in the world. I cant recall any past war started by a female tyrant. Margaret Thatcher took UK to war but her sovereignty was attacked first, she was in defence.


Re: "A womens place is not in the home it is equal or even more important then a man."  I dont agree and find this comment to be potentially divisive.


Re: "There are total industries that rely on the female work force and I feel they are not totally appreciated for there contribution to our life as a man"  Who doesnt appreciate them as they do a man?- examples? I think both genders fill different roles in the workforce to compliment each other for the greater good, to achieve as a workforce. 99% or so of bricklayers are men no doubt due to their physical build. Roles primarily only women fill due to their  greater suitability... 


It is a subject that goes both ways but your post is female tilted imo. The old traditional roles are gone and I believe a good majority of men now appreciate the roles women play in our lives. Yes we have a ways to go before equality will be satisfactory like some of the things you mentioned like equal pay (which is remarkable nowadays that it doesn't exist) and certainly teaching boys more respect for the opposite sex which is more a home issue than a teacher role so changes to parenting culture is a must. However respect goes both ways, as a male I feel lack of respect from some females as if I'm less important than them.


Lastly, I want to mention parental roles. As a male, a dad and a love for my children, that love is equal and not any less than mothers for their children. I grew up with the odd unacceptable comment "but she's the mother and she loves her children more" or "you're only the father" or "but I gave birth, how could you know how that is, the bond I have with my child" and so on. This form of self raising importance over and above men, fathers is deplorable, non achieving and destructive. It is divisive and usually plain wrong. In the animal kingdom of which we are a part, males have a role to play sometimes different to females, sometimes the same but never less important nor less loving.

