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Terrified I’ll be the next “20 something dies of rare disease”

Community Member

I’m 26, and started getting chest pains, bouts of shortness of breath, burning sensations in the middle of my chest, and some agonising sharp pains amongst my lower ribs and upper back, all rounded off with a nice persistent cough (it’s come and gone for 3 years now). I work in agriculture in rural NSW, far from just about anything or anyone. I somehow managed to see 5 doctors in the first month, unsatisfied by each gp telling me nothing was wrong. Finally went to the ER in a massive panic one night but was duly assured I wasn’t running out of air since my blood oxygen was 100%, and ECG/triponin fine despite the awful pains I was feeling inside my chest and back. I’ve since started therapy and medication.

Unfortunately, none of this seems to be helping me very much. Dr. Google has since convinced me I have lung cancer, Crohn’s disease, GERD, or asthma waiting to kill me at an inconvenient moment. My greatest fear is COPD, given the amount of dust that’s around out here, but of course a spirometery test found only “slight congestion” and certainly nothing worth worrying about. A chest specialist took a test today revealing my blood oxygen was 94% at rest, which sent me into a tailspin thinking this (otherwise benign detail...) was concrete evidence my lungs were failing and I’d suffer an awful death. I’ve been a mess all afternoon since; she assured multiple times I’ll have a long and lovely life and that I only seem to have very mild bronchial congestion which could explain all the pain and be treated easily, but every day feels like I’m going to have a painful end resulting from some unknown condition because the feelings are so real, even though I’m more or less medically fine besides what should be very unconcerning and mild congestion. Getting more tests soon (CT and bloods for chronic bronchitis, cancer, etc.) but I just feel physically awful.

Can anybody offer any insight whatsoever as to what’s happening? My therapist has gone over relaxation techniques and deep breathing (doesn’t help when my chest feels like an iron band is wrapped around it), and I don’t know if my fears are justified or just silly. Not to be too annoying but I’m just constantly petrified with the pain whilst being told everything is fine. Has anyone else had similar problems/have advice for someone just starting out with anxiety?

Any and all help would be immeasurably appreacited, (thankyou in advance!)
2 Replies 2

Community Member
Firstly get yourself a good disposable dust mask, the ones with the filter on the front, it may be uncomfortable at first but you'll get used to wearing it eventually. The key thing is not to worry about cancer, it will only cause you anxiety that will take over your life. If you are unhappy with your doctors diagnosis, get another opinion from a specialist. I had similar problems when I was your age, several doctors were misdiagnosing me, until I found one that looked 'outside the square' and diagnosed the problem. Medicine is about a process of elimination, eliminate and investigate one cause at a time until you get to the cause.

white knight
Community Champion
Community Champion

Hi, welcome

You're#1 is very correct.

Anxiety often leads to unrealistic thoughts, jumping to conclusions and snowballs. Misdiagnosis can easily occur. I was misdiagnosed with ADHD for 6 years until another psychiatrist diagnosed me with bipolar and dysthymia. Taking the wrong meds for 6 years (12 different ones tried) was a disaster. Taking the wright ones was life changing. Recently I had x-rays taken on both knees. Report said mild arthritis and cartilage wear. Doctor said double knee replacement and referred me to a specialist. Her comments- no way, you have major swelling. Put me on anti inflammatories and within 10 days I'm walking normally.

In 1987 was diagnosed with heart attack, 3 month later on a treadmill they said it wasnt a heart attack but a panic attack. How could they get that wrong? Well, major chest pains and an ECG that for some reason was incorrect and that was conclusive- but wrong. I was 31yo.

If you have intrusive thoughts and they are unrealistic you'll be best served with therapy to correct that.
