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Community Member

I just can't deal with the telephone. The anticipation of the telephone ringing and the ring itself even if I have it set to vibrate, I have to have the phone off. Receiving phone calls is a problem rather than making a call because not knowing who is on the other end. It affects me to gain employment, I'm ok with Facebook, instagram etc..., I try to get people to email otherwise they can't get hold of me. Everybody's default mode of contact is the telephone. This problem has been getting worse overtime.

Living in a relatively small regional city it feels I'm the only one. Does anyone have problems using or have anxiety with the phone?

11 Replies 11

Community Member

Yes I've always struggled with the phone! Even hearing phones ringing on TV makes me uneasy! I very rarely answer the landline and often turn my mobile to "do not disturb" (I find the mobile easier because I can see who's ringing - even then I sometimes prefer to ring them back rather than answer) - texts and emails are ok for me but the phone, or someone at the door is difficult. You're definitely not alone!

Community Member
Hi Nathan. I have this to. I am "fortunate" that I had a job when my anxiety got the better of me and I have the most amazing boss who puts up with it all. I went through a 6 month patch where I would avoid the phone as much as I could, still do to a point. My boys would ask me to call someone and I would email them instead. The phone would ring and cause a panic attack so that as soon as I hung up the phone, I burst into tears. I still won't answer my mobile unless it is one of my family calling or I know the person and need to speak with them. I saw a psychiatrist for 4 sessions and have been seeing a psychologist since July last year and none of those things have improved my anxiety with the phone. The one thing that improved it at work was having my dog at work with me. We have just finished training her to be my service dog. She makes me feel safe and keeps me calmer which helps with the phone at work.