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struggling with anxiety day by day

Community Member
name is adam online name corolla and I have been diagnosed with anxiety and depression and I have been seeing a psycologist 4 times already and it has been helping me but the last 3 weeks I have been having trouble trying to get to sleep at night and then when I am asleep I have trouble trying to wake up in the morning so I have been missing out on heaps of work o I haven't been getting paid because I have no sick leave left I had a full week of feeling great about 4 weeks ago but since then I have felt worse and I don't know why I am on anti depressents but they always keep me drowsy and not seem to be working has anyone else been going through the same effects as I am
9 Replies 9

Community Member

Hi Adam, with any medication it takes awhile for the full effects to take place, but if you feel they are making things worse I would consult your doctor so you can find a dosage or another anti depressant that works. I think there's a lot out there and it's not one type helps all.

Dont be ashamed to talk to your boss about having anxiety/depression, if we had constant migraines etc affecting our work they would be understanding towards our sick days, so no reason why you shouldn't let them aware of your current situation which you are getting on top off. It's pretty normal to have a racing mind at night and wake up super tired! The mind is so powerful, I wish we could switch it off at times. But definitely talk to your doctor about your medication.

Community Member

Hey adam

If you find these anti depessants just arent for you there is no harm in asking your doctor to prescribe different ones. Ive tried 2 already for my anxiety and I only just recently started medication.

I was in a horrible place at a time and kept missing work because of my anxiety so I know exactly how you feel. Dont be scared to let your boss know because it will give you that extra support you need at work.

I hope everything goes well!

Community Member

hey Elisha1

I have spoken to my bosses and they are keeping in contact with the phsycologist who I am seeing and I have been back to the doctor and spoke to him about changing the medication which he did but it seems not to be working still and I have been trying to get the support from my parents but they seem not to care because they keep on saying to me to get over it and return to work which is making me worse and I have done a sleep record which I had to fill out to say what time I go to bed and wake up next morning and send it of to the psychologist to have a look at

Community Member
name is adam bentley online name corolla i have anxiety and depression problems and i have found out recently from my doctor that i have got very low magnesium levels due to taking the medication that i am on for my epilepsy i have been struggling to go to sleep at night and then have problems waking up the next morning theres alot of problems happening at work which i am stressing out about and i dont know what to do to help me has anyone got any ideas

Hi Corolla

With regards to sleeping at night, when you said your Magnesium levels were low i thought thats something i may be able to help you with. I work in the Transport industry and am on a constant early shift so sleep is super important. Ive never had trouble sleeping but i do crossfit 6 times a week for 90 mins, and recently found it hard to sleep as i was over tired, if that makes any sense.

Any who a mate personal trainer and athlete said to start taking Magnesium every night 40 mins before bed. What i take is a product called Z Force ZMA, its load with Magnesium but its also go Vitamin B6 and Zinc. Magnesium is great cos it replenishes your muscles and relaxs you. Ive never slept better...


Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Corolla and welcome,

I agree with CK, magnesium tablets and B6 will relax you. I was taking them for my anxiety but having them in the morning and found myself so relaxed i wanted to sleep during the day. I've never thought to take them at night so i will also try that. Are you keeping your caffeine intake down? I find if i drink black tea in the arvo i do not sleep well, having said that chamomile or peppermint tea is good to take at night. i find peppermint quite relaxing. Another idea is to bathe in epsom salts which you will find at the supermarket. They are magnesium sulfate and aid in relaxing the body and mind also. Epsom salt baths are said to be good for anxiety too as it cleanses away negativity.

Hope you find this helpful.

baby steps

Community Member

I have just been diagnosed with osteoporosis as well as my other problems that I have got so I have been worrying about the problem and I haven't been going to work so I haven't been receiving any income apart from my disability support pension every fortnight and it has got to the point that my body is feeling scared on returning to work I am seeing my local gp today to get help has anyone else had or have the same feelings and if so what have they done to make it better so they can get back to a normal life

Community Member
I have been of work for quite a while due to having quite a few problems I have just recently found out that I have been diagnosed with osteoporosis and all I seem to be doing is worrying about it and I am afraid to go back to work for some unknown reason I keep on saying to myself that I need to return to work because I need the money and I want to get myself back to normal my parents keep on nagging me to return to work but they don't know whats going on inside my head and I have got back problems as well has anyone got any ideas on what I should do to overcome this fear of returning to work

Community Member

i have been of work for 4 weeks due to having problems with my feet and legs aching the company that i work for has just recently closed down the depot that they used work at and now moved to another depot now i am just scared to return to work for some reason i have tried everything like making sure my alarms are set the night before but i always tend to sleep through them and then sleep in so i miss out on work i dont know what to say to the bosses at work because they dont understand what i am going through and they reckon that i am faking why i am off so i dont know what to do