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Struggling after isolation

Community Member

Hi, I'm having a really hard time getting myself out of being isolated after this whole pandemic. I feel like everyone is still to some degree social distancing and things aren't completely back to normal but I know things have improved and a lot of people have in some ways in some ways gone back to being more social again.

I'm really struggling to do the same though. I have always had bad social anxiety and I feel this whole situation made it worse. Before the pandemic I was really trying to be more social, I had a lot of things planned and I was trying to make more time for friends. I've never been completely awful at socialising and always have friends around me but I do struggle with being the first to reach out to people. For the majority of when the pandemic was at its worst I pretty much spoke to no one. I hardly messaged or called anyone and I didn't really hear from anyone else either. I don't even know why I did this as there were times I wanted to reach out to people and didn't. There was a guy who I met at the start of the pandemic who I was dating and I pretty much spoke to everyday, but we ended up breaking things off because it got difficult and we both werent really feeling like ourselves with everything going on. After that I just became completely lonely and haven't talked to many people other than my parents and people at work.

Now I just feel like a complete mess. I feel like I've spent so much time alone these past few months I don't even know how to go back to normal. Some of my friends wanted to play games online with me today and I feel so much more anxious about it than I did before. I feel like I don't want to go out and see anyone or make plans with anyone even though we can now. I wanted to reach out to that guy I was seeing earlier to see how he's doing or to catch up but now I don't even feel motivated to do that. I just don't feel good right now and I don't see the point of seeing anyone or talking to anyone but I know at the same time I am not doing myself any good by staying so closed off from everyone. I feel like theres a lot of people out there who are probably being social and I feel so stupid for having hardly anyone around me to do the same, especially when it was really something I wanted to work on this year.

I know that there's a lot worse things going on in the world right now and my situation is definitely not the worst. But I just wish I could break myself out of feeling like this but I don't know how.

1 Reply 1

Hi Missberri,

We're so grateful that you have reached out to our community tonight to share your journey. We're really sorry to hear how difficult things have been for you during this pandemic, and how anxious you're still feeling at the moment. But please know that our wonderful community is here to offer you as much support, advice and conversation as you need to help you through this.

If you feel up to it, we'd also recommend reaching out to our Coronavirus Mental Wellbeing Support Service. The website is regularly updated with information, advice and strategies to help you manage your wellbeing and mental health during this time. You can also call our dedicated support line, staffed by mental health professionals, which is available 24/7 on 1800 512 348 to talk through these feelings.

Please feel free to keep us updated here on your thread on how you're going, whenever you feel up to it.