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Something nice for other people.

Community Member
So I had alot of sunflower seeds i thought it would be a great idea to packet a few seeds
And deliver them around my community. I had about 100 packets with a little note
On each. Which took me all afternoon to do.
I got the courage to deliver them. I only could deliver 10-15
Due to my mind and my anxiety. Telling me I'm going to get in
Trouble, or people will get mad at me for not delivering to their house with no junk mail on the mail box.
And just other bad thoughts.
So now I've about 85-90 packets left over and I'm scared to do anymore.
At one point I was going to ring my.mum to pick me up cause my thoughts were bad. And over bearing.
2 Replies 2

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hello Yelah90,

What a beautiful thing to do! If only people in our society were as kind and generous as you.

You've done 10 to 15 today and that's a great achievement. Well done! It's okay to take a step back, breathe and calm yourself. You will not get into trouble for this. It's more likely people will feel more touched than upset. If you can manage it, you can do another 10 tomorrow and another 10 the day after.

I once lived in a student hostel where I was asked to help with handing out welcome gifts (a lunchbox) to other students in their rooms. I think there were about a 100 or so. I was terrified at the thought of having to potentially come face to face with the other students, worrying that they may be unhappy that I was disturbing their privacy. So I left the gift outside their doors with a note and ran off. Turns out I didn't have to worry at all, because I later saw students using those lunchboxes. That made me so happy.

You're a beautiful soul, Yelah90. I'm proud of you for starting on this. Now take some time off and take care of yourself, because this lovely action doesn't need you to suffer 🙂


Community Member

Hi Yelah90,

That is such a beautiful gesture to do! I wish more people would partake in random acts of kindness, such as this. If people did, the world would be a much lovelier place for all!

As Emmen said, you should be proud of your achievement! 10-15 is amazing, and if you can do a little bit every day it'll slowly build. Please be kind and take care of yourself, it is such a beautiful thing you're doing and you shouldn't have to feel agonized over it.

Proud of you! 🙂