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social anxiety and job interviews

Community Member
Hi there, I've recently been diagnosed with social anxiety, which is triggered by occasions where I have to talk about myself, such as dates or job interviews. I actually have a job interview this week, so am quite conscious of it - does anyone have any advice for calming the anxious voices in my head and keeping focused during the interview? I'm practising mindful breathing and I think that helps a bit, but anything else people can recommend?
4 Replies 4

Community Member
This was recommended to me by my psychologist after he said he uses them too. Using headphones to actually listen to a mindfulness recording whilst you're doing the breathing and carrying a bottle of lavender oil with you and have a few deep sniffs of it before the interview.

Great idea - thanks!

You're welcome and good luck with the interview.

Community Member

Firstly, congrats for getting to the interview stage! That's a massive achievement!

I suffer from mild social anxiety and turn bright red at any sign of discomfort and what seems to work for me is to just tell myself that it isn't the end of the world if I don't end up getting the job and that there are far worse situations to be in that having the privilege of being interviewed 🙂

Best of luck for the interview!