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Smart watches and anxiety

Community Member
Hi all,
Curious if this has happened to anyone else?...
Always been a stress head but haven't had a panic attack
for years
2 weeks ago feeling fine, feeling a bit proud I have
stuck to healthy eating and trying for 3 workouts a week
before I get to old to start..
My husband and I buy smart watches and I test mine out
With a workout, take note of heart rates..fine
Next day at work check heart rate and its low then high
And I panic, check again and again and decide must have something
Wrong and end up at emergency thinking I had a heart attack.
All clear but they think I had a panic attack and now I'm too scared
To work out in case I do have a heart attack and I have tried not to look
At my heart rate.. damn it all.. now I feel useless as I'm going
To go backwards health and fitness wise.
6 Replies 6

Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear Frogga~

I think one of the worst thngs you can have is a panic attack, it stops you thinking about anything but having a heart attack as it feels just like you imagine one might feel, makes your breathing and heart rate change, and often you can't even speak.

So I'm sorry you had them years ago, and I suspect if you were like me they would be caused by anxiety of one sort or another (no, I'm no doctor. just have my own experiences ) They makes me think you might have an anxiety condition too though that is just a guess.

If it is any consolation I too have been to ER thinking my heart was having an attack due to pain and dizziness, had the full run of tests, all good, It was anxiety.

I see you have new equipment to monitor your bodies, smartwatches. Did you have anything like that before?

If not you would be unaware of the range your heart rate will go though, for all sorts of reasons, -even mood or a single thought or temperature or ... - not just exercise . A wide range. Without a constant reliable monitor you would have no idea what was normal and good for you or more importantly when it changes quite naturally..

Even assuming the device was in good order and was making a firm contact wiht your body you are really non the wiser.

You have been checked out out, and although hard to beleive, are OK. If you have any doubts then, as I did, get a second opinion, mine came out the same. So I accepted it was a result of my mental condition.

I'll digress, we raised orphaned baby wallabies, in bags with a towel, hot water bottle and clock inside. Simulated conditions inside mum. In real life that clock would have in no way matched her heartbeat, but was a comfort.

May I suggest you do not use the heart rate function, and also try to go more like you did before you got it. You felt just fine then, healthy eating and 3 workouts a week. You were pleased, I doubt the purchase of a gizmo has changed your body, only pointed out that heart rate varies naturally, you are still good.

If the fear of having a heart attack is something you cannot overcome straight out, may I suggest you dial your exercise right back and slowly build back up, maybe visiting your doctor for a quick checkup to confirm all is well, then you get half way and again when right back to you previos form.

It may be catering to anxiety, but may help you put your worries to rest.

What do you think?


Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear Frogga

I hve just found and read your other post, I did lok for it but I guess am not a good looker.

I'd now suggest you visit your doctor for another reason - to get your previos old diagnosis of anxiety confirmed and take it from there. Many peple start to feel their heath and well-being is suspect or at risk, and it can be really frightening.

You may well find that if it has returned, as you already suspect from the other symptoms, that you will gain comfort from therapy.

I now have good life and while anxiety is not totally absent it is far far less than before -it is manageble



Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Frogga

Thankyou for posting again!....Just from my own experience with panic attacks....they are not related to a lack of physical well being/fitness. Having a visit with your GP might be helpful Frogga. Panic/anxiety are usually a common psychological issue

any questions are always welcome! The forums are a safe and non judgmental place for you to post 🙂


Community Member
Thanks for the reply Croix,
I did have an appointment with gp fri and had another ecg and round of blood tests so get results tomorrow.
Your right that I probably have anxiety still but its been manageable. This just came out if the blue and its so frustrating let alone scary.
I will try again with workouts just without weights thats for sure and hopefully resist looking at my heart rate.
Your right I felt fine pre smart watch.
So will be crossing fingers hearts fine and hopefully figure out why anxiety has stepped up.
Thanks again

Community Member
Thanks for the welcome..
Yes have an appointment with gp tomorrow for all blood test results so definitely hoping they are clear but then stuck again if its anxiety..
My new fitness way was one thing I felt made me happy etc now I'm a bit scared to continue so its like I'm being punished. Over-active imagination I know..
Nice to hop on here and see im not the only one that thinks that way.
Thanks again 🙂

Hi Frogga

No worries at all!

Your new fitness regime is a smart move as it does help big time with even low level anxiety 🙂

I hope your appointment went well today

my kind thoughts
