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Community Member

I just put went to remove a cd in my player and noticed it was already out and in case and a different cd was in. I know with my tbis my memorys not what it was 2 yrs ago. BUT I CAN SAY WITH 100% ASSURITY I DID NOT KNOWINGLY DO THIS!

Theres onky 2 conclusions. Someone has broke in and is screwing with me or im sleepwalking. I have slept walked in the past witnessed by my mum. I have incredibly vivid stressful dreams. I have regular night terrors and nightmares. Have i been blasting music during the night without realising. My dog cant tell mešŸ˜•. I cant ask my neighbours next to me cause there rude ########. I dont think someones broke in while ive been out because my dog hasnt smelt the carpet like someones been in. Hes incredibly sensitive and very protective so he would give me a sign. I need a camera to record myself while asleep. Does anyone know where the best place is to buy a cheapish easy to use one. I hate technology so its essential its a simple record and play back. Ps i havnt been on any knew medications for a long time. The only knew thing is vitamin b12 injections over the last yr.

Cheers lynne

Cheers lynne

6 Replies 6

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Lynne,

It would be very interesting to see what you get up to at night! Hope you can get a camera and work out how to use it.

I have heard there is an app you can use on your phone to check on your breathing at night. Not sure if anyone has any information about that for you. Would give you an indication if you are playing music in your sleep or not!

Hope you find some answers.

Cheers from Dools

Hi dools.

Ive never heard of a breathing app. It sounds interesting.

Cheers lynne

Community Member
Hi Lynne. Must be a terrifying thought that you may possibly sleepwalk. I used to, but a change in my circumstances helped. All I can suggest is cctv cameras which record every movement. Maybe get in touch with your local security firm and have a chat to them. I think dools is suggesting a sleeping problem, which is aponea. However aponea means you stop breathing for a few seconds each night or if you are stressed. My ex has a cpap machine which 'kick starts' when he stops breathing. Sleepwalking is a different thing. Anxiety can cause it or having too many problems that 'play' on your subconscious. With me, I became a 'gym junkie', I frequently exercised during my sleep. My ex would simply grab my hand and gently propel me back to bed. He did eventually tell me. I had no recollection so it didn't worry me. However if you fear you are sleepwalking, cctv cameras would prove. If you are, then discuss with your G.P.

Hi paddyanne.

Thanks for that, that makes sense what dools would've been talking about. Its possible i have sleep apnea? I dont know if i snore. Ive only snorted myself awake once or twice that i can remember. Thats funny i like the term gym junkie, its confirmed i am most definatly that most nights. That started out the blue bout 2 yrs ago, all of a sudden my dog started waking me up during the night by pawing at me. He has a mega comfy memory foam bed next to my bed but he chooses to sleep on my bed. Weeks later i put 2 and 2 together when i half woke up and my leg uncontrollably kicked him. I wake up frequently with my knees tucked right up. I get bruises on my thighs that i was stumped as to why until i half woke up one day with my fingers clenched in them. Ive only ever woke up once that i can remember screaming. But i slept well last night. The night before was a shocker with dreams but thats what you get for watching pet semetary before you go to bedšŸ˜…. Thats a great idea bout cct camera but unfortunatley way out of my budget, but appreciate your advice.

Cheers lynne

Hi Lynne. With you waking up kicking out, were your legs or thighs giving you any discomfort. You could have what's known as 'Restless Legs'. Restless legs can cause cramps and severe discomfort. I don't think watching a horror movie before bed was the wisest thing, however you have seen it and decided no more. With restless legs there are natural remedies that can give some relief. They take about 7 to 10 days to ease the pain, but they do work. Talk to your local pharmacy. I took them for over 10 years, they were tremendous for stopping the intense discomfort. You may find you sleep better and the sleep walking may stop because your legs aren't twitching.

Hi paddyanne.

Ive been taking high stength magnesium nightly for yrs for restless legs. I used to get that horrible feeling right before falling asleep where i had to keep moving them. When i started the magnesium that pretty much stopped. At the same time i started all the kicking is when all my intense nightmarish vivid dreams started. Its amazing what a good nights sleep can do. Im a different person today. I realy treasure those nights. As im sure my dog does too

Cheers lynne