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Sleep anxiety

Community Member

Anyone else get sleep anxiety?

I wake up every morning around 4am and can’t get back to sleep. My mind races, heart races and I can never get back to sleep.

I then overthink how long I’ve slept and how long till I need to get up. Getting up isn’t easy ether, i feel anxious about starting the day. It’s like I’m anxious about being anxious. I was a very good sleeper too.

I’ve tried all the advice for sleeping and nothing has worked.

Does anyone take sleeping pills on a daily basis?

8 Replies 8

Community Member
Just saw your post and feel very similar, I hit a major burnout 3 weeks ago and sleep was the first thing disrupted - started waking at 3am and Ive never ever had trouble sleeping before. Trying some zopiclone, which worked for a few nights then I started waking at 5. Last night I didn't take the zopiclone and woke at 2:30, after what felt like a very long night already ..... took half a tablet and at least I slept for 4 hours or so. I need to stop drinking at night though as I think the mix is not good. It will definitely help you sleep though, even for just a few nights.I totally get the sleep anxiety issue.

Community Champion
Community Champion

Hello Clear,

I had trouble sleeping once my depression/anxiety found me...

My Psychiatrist has prescribed my a sleeper/anxiety med to take nightly..and since I’ve been taking them I’m getting around 8-10 hours sleep per night...Once last week I slept 17 hours...I think because the night before I accidentally missed my meds...In saying that if I set my alarm for a certain time I would wake...but I have nothing to wake up for so my alarm is never set....Oh except for Tuesday’s when I volunteer at a charity store...

Maybe speak to your dr about your sleeping anxiety and let your dr know what’s going on....

I have at times only taken half a tablet..thinking it will cut down the hours I sleep..but it gave me the same amount of hours....When I do wake I usually feel well rested....

My dr told me lack of sleep makes depression harder to manage...Please if you can and feel to...have a talk to your Dr...he/she can help you..

I hope I helped you some..

Kind thoughts and a gentle hug..


Community Member
Thank you both for your replies means so much knowing I’m not alone

Community Member

Hey Grandy

I was just wondering if the medication you have is for more so controlling anxiety rather than sleep?

Today my doctor increased my antidepressants and I’m hoping that will help me sleep better because he doesn’t want me to have sedatives. And I too don’t want to rely on them

Dear Clear

Hello, nice to meet you. Not getting enough sleep is a nuisance to say the least. It sets up a vicious circle of not sleeping, being tired during the day, worrying about not sleeping, and then having another poor night's sleep. You have tried all the sleep hygiene processes without success I gather.

It's good you have had a chat with your doctor. I also think it's good he has not immediately jumped to giving you a sedative. There is a place for these in different circumstances. At the risk of suggesting something you may have already tried may, can you make sure you drink no alcohol for several hours before going to bed and no coffee or any of the 'health' drinks. Stick to water if you can and make sure you are well hydrated and warm.

I am a bit of a frog and need to be warm to sleep. I do wake up if I get just a bit cold and like you find it difficult to get back to sleep until I am warm again. I used to put on my dressing gown and get back into bed. Hey, whatever works. I take an antidepressant at night. It used to be in the morning but made me sleepy so night time it is. Did your doctor check it was not your AD that was keeping you awake?

Is there anything particularly bothering you? Sometimes this can wake us. My GP once gave me a way of getting back to sleep. No getting up and reading or watching TV (which I have been known to do) as this is too stimulating. My GP told me to remember a book I had read, which also applies to films, and try to reconstruct the story chapter by chapter. It gives you something to concentrate on and chases away any other worries. It does work and I fall asleep far more easily, usually before I finish the book. It really applies to anything that requires concentration so you can plan repainting the house, going on holiday, rearranging the furniture and any other activity. See how you go.


That’s a good idea to retell a movie or something happened in my life in my mind.

i thought I might be waking up cause I’m cold but I wake up every morning at 4am like clock work.

Im hoping my increase in anti depressants helps. As at the moment I’m having a bout of anxiety and depression after a break up.

Thanks so much for taking time out to message.

Hi all

Yep Clear, I have the same problem. I've never been a great sleeper but lately it's 3 or 4 o'clock.

Will try your suggestion tonight Mary - that's a great one!

Grandy oh how lovely does 8 hours sound...like you most days I don't need to set the alarm but then on the days I do I may as well not either 😞

best wishes all

I really like the distraction technique of focusing and remembering chapters of a book.