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Community Member
Hi everyone, I am new here. I have been struggling with anxiety half my life and in January this year I had to go home from work due to pains in my stomach. I went to have tests done and have had many many doctors visits, even hospital ones to see what's going on. So far everything seems normal. Doctor's are saying it's IBS. Last week i finally had my appointment to see the pelvic pain specialist. It could be pelvic floor. I am due for a colonoscopy in a couple of weeks and i'm terrified. I am very overwhelmed due to me having to leave work, and the confusing things going on with my body. On top of that most people around me who i thought might be more supportive aren't. They do not understand high anxiety. My father has been my Angel throughout all this. However I need to step out of this anxiety as it's ruining my life, and i feel that this is a wake up call. I also would like to move out of home, but I feel i won't be able to cope living on my own especially being alone at night.
2 Replies 2

Community Member

Hi Amber C,

I'm new here also and struggle with anxiety. Having physical health problems can make it so much more difficult. It sounds like the impact its having on everything else (health, work, family, living situation,...) are just adding up, overlapping, and feeding into your already anxious thoughts. I have some family members who are wonderfully supportive but just don't (and probably never will entirely) understand anxiety. It's not something they've experienced and it limits the support they can actually offer. Sometimes their attempts can make it worse! It's great you have your father being so supportive though.

Have you mentioned to your GP or any of your doctors how anxious this is making you? It might be worth doing.

Also, I was in a similar situation of wanting to move out of home while having severe anxiety four-five years ago. It was scary, and I wasn't sure I could manage, but I did it. I was much stronger than my anxiety let me think I was. It also sounds like you'd still have you father's support when you do move out. It might not be something you need to rush while your having medical tests at the moment though. It's easy for thoughts to spiral into the worst case scenarios. Focus on getting through one thing at a time. Are you back at work now or did you have to take a longer time off?


Community Member

Hi Amber C (and Hanne6)

Welcome to the forums! It's great that you've reached out here and I hope you will be able to find support from others on the site.

Hanne6 made a very good point, in that it seems as though there is a lot going on for you with your health, work and living situation. It sounds like a very scary and overwhelming time for you at the moment. It must be really confusing and frustrating to feel something wrong in your body, but not be able to get answers through the medical tests.

It's great your dad has been there for you throughout this. Would it be okay to ask what he does that makes you feel supported?

I wonder if speaking about your concerns with your doctor/s, like Hanne6 mentioned, might also be helpful in getting some extra support?

If posting has been helpful for you and you would like to continue sharing your story, I will be here to listen.

Wishing you all the best for your procedure in a couple of weeks.

- Marie (: