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Shock anxiety?

Community Member

Hi Everyone,

I have a question which may sound slightly strange or not. Can anxiety start up again after you've had an emotional shock you certainly weren't expecting? I've been lucky these last few months with my anxiety pretty much under control until about 10 days ago when I was told some news which I wasn't expecting. I seemed ok at the time, but the next day I started to have dizzy spells/light head and muscle weakness in my legs. My doctor thinks it's anxiety and has sent me off for blood tests. While in the past the light head and a bit of dissociation has occured, I never get dizzy as such or have muscle weakness. Since most of my anxiety is related to my health of course I think I have a brain tumor etc etc. My psychologist is unavailable for a couple of weeks so am wondering if anyone out there has suffered anything similar?

Thanks for listening. Any advice, suggestions gratefully received.



3 Replies 3

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Glenda

Great to see you on the forums again!

To answer your question....(which isnt strange at all)....Yes our anxiety can be partially reactivated by a stressful or a shock for sure...Especially if we are prone to having an anxiety condition to start with in the first place

The dizzy spells...lightheaded feeling and a weak feeling in the legs are common signs of anxiety...which your GP diagnosed it as. He seems to be spot on Glenda...I used to have chronic anxiety attacks for a long time followed by moderate anxiety for 30 plus years

You are proactive by having a psychologist and good on you! Just my humble opinion if thats okay.....Your GP would have a better clinical point of view as GP's have a better understanding of anxiety issues now compared to the 1980's when I was a mess with this awful condition

This is my 23rd year seeing my GP every 4-6 weeks for a 'fine tune' (Bulk Billed...)

Health anxiety is a pain Glenda....You are not alone!

any questions are always welcome too 🙂


Community Member

Hi Paul,

Nice to hear from you again also. Thanks for the advice and insight into this rotten 'beast' of a condition called anxiety. I call it a beast because for a while not matter how long, there you are getting on with your life and feeling not too bad and then the tap on the shoulder 'Remember me? You didn't forget me did you?' If only I could!

Anyway, I will keep pushing ahead. Once again many thanks for your kind words of encouragement and I wish you a happy healthy 2020.


Hey Glenda

You are spot on with anxiety....it can be a 'beast/mongrel' when/if it comes back

You are always welcome as a part of the forum family Glenda...I hope you have a peaceful and self nurturing New year in 2020 🙂

Great to see you again!

my kindest always
