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Scared to take anxiety tablets

Community Member

I am 34 years old, I have been diagnosed with anxiety, my symptoms are
Heart racing out of no where, most of the time I think I'm not breathing properly,
I constantly check my pulse, then I make my self believe i am having heart issues
Or lung issues, it has been going on for 9 years, I really don't know how to
Over come it. I am Now to scared to drive at night alone, feeling i may have an attack and end up
In a car accident.

Finally when to my gp who have me tablets which I am scared to take as aide effects trigger my panic attacks, I am scared to take any medication at all including panadol.

Please help with some advice as I am scared most days about all of the above
5 Replies 5

Community Member
OMG I have the same problem it's so weird because I was prescribed anxiety pills but I was scared to take them as well your not alone on this I've just recently been diagnosed as well with the same symptoms also are you having other symptoms at all?

Hi Casper, it's hard to say what my symptoms are it confuses me,

If I get a cough, my anxiety will tell me it's lung cancer or I'm going to stop breathing, or a sore arm I would think it's a heart attack, a cold I think it might be the deadly flue and I will panic, I get light head every now and then.

I also over think every situation to the max, I just need to shit my mind off a little I think it's just hard to stop thinking and thinking the worst.

The doctor I goto just rushes me out and it's frustrating.
What are your symptoms?

Hi Rebz and Casper,

Welcome to you both, I see you have a few posts Casper, not sure how long you have been a member of the forum.

I'm wondering if either of you has received much information from your Drs about anxiety and how to deal with it?

The Beyond Blue web site has information on Anxiety. Some of that may be beneficial to your both.

It is always advisable to have any physical issue checked out by your Dr just in case it is not just anxiety causing the problem. It can be a little more difficult to remind ourselves that our bodies are having a reaction to thoughts that are in or minds.

It can be difficult to understand and comprehend the power of the mind. There may be techniques you can practise to help reduce the anxiety you are feeling.

Maybe you could share ideas on what helps you. It can be so easy to write down all the unpleasant stuff, but not always so easy to be aware of what helps and what is good.

Cheers from Dools

Community Member
Hi Dools,

Thank you for your advice. I have been to the doctors multiple times, also been to hospital with the all clear as I thought I was having a heart attack, I have blood test like every 2 months I change my doctors because I belive something is wrong and that the doctors are wrong. I get given medication after medication, not once have I been advised why I have anxiety or what the causes are, which is the most annoying part.

I have decided to try a physiologist and to see if this will help me a little more.

It's just such a weird and scary feeling. I just want it to go away. I will read more on the beyond blue page. Just wish I could talk to someone who had anxiety and who is now living a normal life.

Hi Rebz,

Making an appointment to see a psychologist may help you to further understand anxiety and what is happening to your body.

I've experienced depression, stress, panic attacks and anxiety. Trying to work out what the triggers are that cause the anxiety issues can help to a degree. There are a couple of situations I have to face regularly that trigger anxiety.

I'm aware of this and try to prepare myself for a possible attack and try to rationalise with my mind it does not have to be so bad as I make it out to be.

When an attack does happen, I know it can be very unpleasant. I try to minimise the effect as much as I can. Recognising it is panic attack and not a heart attack can take away some of the distress.

Understanding anxiety more may be beneficial. I borrow books from the library as well.

ope you find some answers and ways to help yourself through this.

Cheers from Dools