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Scared l have seriouse illness.

Community Member


i have some strange blood results that cannot be explained, and the doctor doesn’t seemed concerned, even though l have strange symptoms. I want to ask more questions but am so afraid of the answer and the anxiety over this is ruining my life. I just don’t know what to do. I have tried CBT and it’s not working.

5 Replies 5

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Dear Snez,

Anxiety can make us worry for the worst when the situation isn't as dire as it seems to be. Thank you for opening up on this forum.

I understand that strange blood test results can be a cause for anxiety. My advice to you would be to actually voice these concerns to your doctor. Doctors are trained professionals, and they are there to help you. Should anything be concerning about your blood test, the doctor would have voiced it to you. Since the doctor isn't concerned, chances are that it isn't serious, so please don't worry about the answer. Voicing your concerns will set your mind at ease, which is better than fearing that you have a serious illness.

On another note, strange symptoms can be caused by anxiety as well, so the blood test results and your symptoms may be unconnected.


Community Member
I have voiced my concerns with my doctor she said l need to work on my anxiety.

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hello Snez,

In that case, I can offer a few suggestions that have worked for me. Would you like to give them a try?

  • Mindfulness exercises: An app like Smiling Mind can provide you with short 5 to 10 minute exercises that help you manage your anxiety. I used to do these three times a day or more at my worst. It helped greatly.
  • Progressive muscle relaxation: This exercise essentially gets you to clench various muscle groups and then release the tension. It lets you physically feel your tension drain away.
  • Scented candles/essential oils: I find that these help manage anxiety too.
  • Distractions: Find a hobby or an activity you enjoy. I found that when I was occupied that way, my mind was no longer focused on my body and I stopped feeling all the strange symptoms. It was useful in helping me understand how those symptoms were a product of my mind rather than a physical disorder.


Community Member

Yes l have tried these and they do help, but today l have done some googling which l tend not to do anymore as it can elevate my anxiety even more, which is has.
so this was a big mistake on my part as now it’s opened up a entire range of very bad illnesses l could have or develop. All very scary. I’m seeing a therapist and he told me l need to face my fears, that is the only way to get over this fear of death. So this is what l am trying to concentrate on, I’m seeing him on Monday again do so more work on this.

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Dear Snez,

I'm glad your therapist is helping you through this. Sometimes we all slip up and go back to habits we ought not do, like googling. But that's okay as long as you still work towards getting better.

The first step to recovery is to recognise what your problem is, and I can see that you are very clear on what the problem is, as well as your behaviours that contribute to this. Keep up with your exercises and try not to go into a negative thought loop. I'm sure you'll see some progress, even if seems slow.
