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Not sure if I have anxiety or not?

Community Member
Hey guys, I have never been diagnosed with anxiety or anything like that before. The past decade or so, I have noticed at times, when I have a conversation with someone, I get a shortness of breath. It is quite rare, maybe a few times a year? It has happened to me in job interviews and even over the phone. The weird thing is though, that it happens most when talking to my brother or mother, who I am extremely comfortable with. Getting shortness of breath in a job interview or at a random breath test or something like that is understandable, but why with your immediate family? This also happens very rarely, as I talk to my immediate family almost on a daily basis just fine. The topic of conversation doesn't seem to have an impact, as just today my brother called up to tell me about a new cafe that opened which had an arcade machine in there. We are both into video games. Does anyone know if this would be classified as anxiety or something else? I have never had a panic attack, hot and cold flushes or any of the classical symptoms of anxiety.
1 Reply 1

Community Member

Hi Mike,

Welcome to the forums.

check out - https://www.beyondblue.org.au/the-facts/anxiety - could provide some useful info.

Anxiety is different for everyone, so its hard to say if its anxiety or not. It can also be very random - for example I had a mild anxiety attack at my weekly poker game once. Been going to the same place for years, know all the people, know the surroundings etc I suddenly felt a little breathless, a little scared and very nervous. It lasted for about 15 minutes before I was able to calm myself down and I havent had another one of those attacks since!

How is your mindset when this happens to you ?

it could be worth chatting to a gp to get some more info on it.