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Rolling waves of anxiety

Community Member

I’ve had a chronic health condition which caused pain since 2019. I have seen some one specialist but each day it’s a complex issue so I have no real diagnosis Judy a lot of pain. This sort of pain set of panic attacks in me. They don’t go away I white knuckle life until I resort to anti anxiety meds. Doing physiotherapy. Practicing DARE, in line to see a psychiatrist. Then the anxiety drops and im left with a depression in actually hurts. I know the anxiety is caused by chronic anxiety pain. Apparently if you suffer chronic pain for longer than three months it changes the way your mind thinks . Anyway no meaning to this story just my life changing s horrible.!

2 Replies 2

Hi Jodielianne, 
  Thank you for your bravery and openness in sharing here. It’s a really good place to have come to hear from others. We’re really sorry to hear you’ve been experiencing chronic pain and the other issues that come with it. We think sharing here is a great step towards feeling better.  
  If you want to talk through what you’re feeling at any time, the Beyond Blue Support Line is here for you 24/7 on 1300 22 4636, or online here. It’s ok to reach out when you’re feeling anxious or upset, they can talk you through some ways to find a bit of calm, and then help you to figure out some options for further support. 
  We’re sure we’ll hear from the lovely community soon, but in the meantime, here’s some strategies you might like to have a look at it. We understand you might have been through some of these in the past and it might feel like cold comfort right now, but they’re here in case they do pique your interest:  Thanks again for sharing. We’re here to listen and offer support, and you never know how your story might help someone else. 
  Kind regards, 
  Sophie M 

Community Champion
Community Champion

Hi Joidelianne,


I can feel how difficult things must be for you right now. I'm sorry to hear that you're experiencing chronic pain and it's really taking a toll on your mental health. It does sound like you are doing all the right things to help manage your mental health and chronic pain, eg physiotherapy and seeing a psychiatrist. I think you should be proud of yourself for doing all the right things to try and make the best of your situation. Do you practice any self care strategies? I know this isn't always easy depending on exactly where your chronic pain is coming from. eg. Listening to music, grounding yourself when you're experiencing pain?