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Reset Button

Community Member

Hi all

What's eveyones ways of hitting that reset button. Yesterday I had a very anxious overwhelming day felt like i was on a poor mode of auto pilot and was just over everything. I just want to flick a switch a turn myself of until the next day to which I was hoping my mood would improve.

Cheers guys from a guy going through a rollercoaster of up n downs.

5 Replies 5

Community Champion
Community Champion

Welcome Jamie’s 1984,

Thanks for your first post.

What works for your reset button.?

I think taking time for myself helps me and being totally honest with myself.

How long has your rollercoaster of your ups and downs been going for.

Feel free to share more about yourself and post here when you want to.


Community Member

Hi Jamie,

I find I either just give up for the day and go to bed which may not be the best.

Or the best thing would be going and spending time with a close friend or family member to get your mind off things. But I know sometimes you can't do this either, which is where I am at.

So I set myself a small productive goal for the day. Something easy like washing the car or weeding a small garden bed. Something that requires a bit of thought but isn't too hard and only takes a short amount of time. I find it takes my mind off things for a while and there's that small victory when you do it.

I tell myself something like this. "Okay, you're struggling hard today, so lets just take it easy but you have to do something. So your goal for today is to clean the kitchen so it looks like a display home/prepare that vegetable garden/write a paragraph of your assignment/etc." The point is to make it something that;

  • Isn't too hard or too easy
  • Wont take long (~30 min)
  • Has a clear result
  • and preferably something that you could keep doing longer

When it works you take your mind of all the shit, feel good because you have achieved something and I tend to then keep doing other things. For example if I cleaned the kitchen I might start cleaning another room. Also if you complete your goal or even outdo yourself, even if it was a small task it was a big step to start, make sure you reward yourself after. "You wanted nothing but to lay in bed all day and it was the easiest option but you managed to clean the kitchen. Look how nice it looks now. Well done! The rest of the day is yours to do what you want!"

Hope this helps

Would love to know any other tips


Community Member

Hi jamie1984,

My reset button is tapped through a few things.

I do something productive - clean my entire house, do grocery shopping, take my dog for a walk etc etc

After that;

Do something relaxing. Take some time out for a hobby. For me it's knitting, playing video games, whatnot.

The balance settles me down and relaxes me. Makes me feel calm and happy within myself. I try to enjoy the little things and when I wake up after a bad day, I remember that life isn't too bad. I always have food on the table, I can afford to have a dog who I love, I have a great support system of family and friends, and a partner I love.

Sometimes you just need to take a step back and see the bigger picture.

Did today suck? Yep. Should you let it ruin the rest of your week/life? Nope.

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Jamie,

As an introvert I find that when I have a day like that, I need to spend time on my own rather than around other people. I have to recharge.

I find listening to music helps, watching a favourite movie, or even a long walk to try to clear my head.

Community Member

Cheers for the responses guys. I used to be able to reset by going to the gym or playing 'trying' the guitar. But havently been able to for a long time at least a year. I'm smack bang in the middle of a house reno/rebuild 'diy' with bro a dad helping plus just holding onto a job I hate due to management. So time out 4 myself is extremely scarce. When things were bad sleep would be my go to reset/escape but that doesn't work anymore.... I hold onto the 'things will get better' saying an pray that the shot days only last 1 day...