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i feel like i'm trapped..

Community Member

is it just me?

i feel like i'm trapped in a box and there is no way to escape..

my anxiety takes control of me and i cant find a way to get a grip and fix it, i am whats called a severe hypochondriac, every moment of every day i am constantly worried about getting sick, it prevents me from doing everything, just simple things like eating breakfast because i'm worried i'm going to get food poisoning but it feels like life it falling apart because its not just my anxiety its everything, it feels like everything is falling on top of me and i can't get out because everything else in my life just makes it seem like a bigger deal but i don't know if i'm in over my head, if i'm making it a big deal or if anyone else feels the same? i have panic attacks on a daily basis and i don't know how to cope anymore 😞

1 Reply 1

Community Champion
Community Champion

Hi. Welcome to beyond blue. Firstly well done for posting here. I am not a trained professional. I am just like you - just another user on the forum that suffers from anxiety and depression. Please know this is a safe place where you are can post in anonymity. You will be accepted by the people in this community and not be judged.

I can only go from what you posted above, so please excuse me if I ask some dumb questions. But I guess that it must be painful and frustrating to constantly worried getting sick. Have you spoken to a GP about this?

If not, that would be a good starting place. From what I understand about severe hypochondria, it is "similar" to other forms of anxiety and psychologists can help you with therapies such as CBT. In addition, on the forums you will find other threads to help you manage including...

Three things to be thankful for today - Beyondblue
Grounding yourself, What is it and how do you? - Beyondblue
Relaxation exercises - Beyondblue

Do a google search to find the above pages. As you are probably aware, knowing what your triggers help you manage it. My psychologist has also given me other tools, suggested apps to install my phone (only 2) and a 1 book to read. If you have any questions or want to chat, please let me know.
