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Rejection of Centrelink urgent payment

Community Member

I applied for a urgent payment this morning due to my partners medical condition having invasive breast cancer. And we are short $170 for her medications i uploaded all the evidence and the diagnosis and the costs of the medication. After been on hold for nearly 2hrs switched over to 3 different people the phone cuts out. So I call back only to be told my urgent payment is rejected as it's not a urgent requirement and my partner will just now have to be strong and go without her medications than the lady hung up on me. Those were the exact words a government agency employee who is meant to help but instead says words that were not needed and I'm given a bad excuse as to why my request was denied. So much for compassion and understanding


1 Reply 1

Community Champion
Community Champion


Welcome to the forums and thank you for reaching out to us.


I would be disgusted with that response also, how people can be that way is beyond me.


I would like to make you aware of your ability to apply for a no interest loan when you are on Centrelink payments. The way it works is that you apply (minimal paperwork required to get the ball rolling) then they interview you (by phone if you wish) to make sure they feel you can make the repayments. There is nothing to be concerned about with this process and I have found them to be very pleasant. If your request is approved, the payment does not go to you, they pay the amount to the (chemist or whoever the money needs to go to) and they work out a repayment amount with you which is automatically deducted from your Centrelink fortnightly payment over a period of time, which can also be discussed. There is never any interest.


To find out more and to make contact search "no interest loan scheme" to find the right contact for your location.


I wish you and your partner all the best with treatment and recovery.

Take care,
