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Recurring worries After minor car incident

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member
So I have suffered depression and anxiety for a long time now. And as we all know some of the things we worry about are silly and we know it. However my particular problem I am battling about is the worry about wetting myself because of a slipped disc that happend 10 years ago. I have been seeing a psychologist about this and he said himself you have nothing to worry about and would know by now and the only cases that happens is from major car crashes and falls. Well it was only yesterday I had a minor car accident although as we all know with depression and anxiety we blow it out of proportion. And now the worry has come back full force with the pins and needles in my leg and feet like before. Does anyone have any advice or tips to battle this ? And I know it's stupid but it's so hard to get over 😞
1 Reply 1

Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear Italianstallion91~

Welcome here, having had a major spinal problem like a slipped disc realy is a worrying thing, however if you had examinations at the time and during your recovery then hopefully all was mended.

Something like that leading on to being anxious about a recurrence, or incontinence or a range of other possible problems is unfortunate, but not that uncommon. I'm very glad you had the sense to get treatment, your psych sounds ok.

Now that you have had another accident, even a minor one, is a worry and in your position I think I'd seem my GP and have my spine re-examined. This would do a couple of things, if there was a reoccurrence then it would be treated straight away, but morel likely it will be found there was no further damage and you will probably be able to accept it is anxiety giving you the pins and needles.

I say probably because it has taken me a while to accept that negative tests are in fact correct. I have a number of anxiety related physical problems and to start with I was sure that the test results were wrong.

When I find my mind starts to go down the familiar track of excessive worry I do try and distract myself. A walk, reading or a movie, using the free smartphone app Smiling Mind, talking with my partner.

The thread Forums / Anxiety / SELF HELP TIPS FOR MANAGING ANXIETY is good

Are there things you can do too?
