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My anxiety and compulsive overthinking

Community Member
I have struggled with what has recently been identified as social anxiety disorder and OCD. The anxiety started out as unpredictable, serve panic attacks that could be triggered by just a thought. I would break out in what looked like red, lumpy hives all over my chest and my thoughts would race rapidly, making it difficult to get my words out. My heart would race and I felt faint and like I couldn’t breath. After being medicated for a month, my attacks completely subsided. For the first time I felt a little in control. But I am still struggling with the fear of judgment and overanalysing of conversations. Whether it be a conversation at work, amongst friends or family, lately every conversation I have I walk away feeling defeated thinking ‘why did I say that’ or ‘why didn’t I say this instead’. I feel unintelligent and irractic when I talk. Like I can’t stick to a topic or opinion, I get lost in thought. My mind runs back and forth over the conversation wondering what the other person is thinking of me. I feel a little embarrassed and vanrable sharing this but these thoughts are exhausting and I am hopeing that someone out there who may have/is experiencing something similar can share some techniques that could assist me to manage them. Appreciate any suggestions/advice.
4 Replies 4

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hello Kindness is Beautiful

Welcome and good on you for having the courage to post on the forums!

I understand your feelings as I have had exactly the same thoughts and concerns for a while now. You are very proactive with your health and good on you

Please dont feel embarrassed or vulnerable for sharing your thoughts with us. You have shown huge inner strength by doing so. The forums are a safe and judgement free place for you to post. Your privacy and well being is paramount here

Just from my experience with meds if thats okay. Medication isnt a short term fix and can take a few weeks to make a difference...even a small difference.

The medication does provide us with a solid foundation on which we can heal more effectively when combined with help from our GP/counselor on a regular basis.

You are not alone where anxiety is concerned...It is usually unpredictable and comes out of nowhere. My old GP used to call it 'free floating anxiety'...

Whether its 'social anxiety or OCD' its still anxiety which is an awful condition to have Kindness

Every symptom and feeling you have mentioned are very common where anxiety disorder is concerned

If you have any questions or thoughts you are more than welcome to post as many times as you wish 🙂

Just a note for you Kindness...the overthinking is also a common symptom of anxiety too

I really hope you can stick around the forums

My kind thoughts always


Community Member

Hi kindness,

I think i know how you feel. You just described me almost. I've been medicated for about five weeks myself and just starting to feel ready to mingle with other humans so to speak.

I am finding that it helps me to listen to my own voice as i speak. It might sound weird but it helps me. I still overanalyse things after the fact but at least the words get out safely and succinctly now:)

All the best to you.

Community Member
Hi there just reading your post and i defently see myself like this at times.I know that feeling all to well .I have panic disorder anxiety .Stressful life events set mine off im under counciling trying to look at ways to overcome when these come on.Im also on medication at times i feel like it isnt working .I to am trying so hard to learn how to slow a panic attack down.I start with not being able to face others and even a phone call i dont feel like answering when my anxiety levels are high.I do what my fantastic gp says stay in the moment day at a time and i try to stay distracted .I know its hard and mine i know is caused lately from finacial stress .I cant take stress and im due to go back again for counciling im hoping i can learn to stop a panic attack i have had 2 in the last week there awful just awful.i hope you find some stratergies to help carm your attacks down and id be interested what others do when a panic attack sets in .

Community Member

Hi Kindness is Beautiful,

I absolutely understand this. I have had anxiety since my teens (now late twenties), and medication also cured my panic attacks - initially. i've personally found a great deal of of help from my psychologist and talking with others who suffer anxiety has helped with the more consuming issues of social anxiety/overthinking/ocd that I also have.
I am also an extrovert who talks very loudly and erratically when anxious in social settings -which is often.
I find that I do a bit of a mental checklist when I worry about my behaviour. Along the lines of:
- Was anything I said malicious or unpleasant deliberately?
- If someone else said what I said, would I think they were stupid/moronic/mean/cruel etc?
I also try to remind myself that people inherently think about their OWN behaviours more than anyone else's. I often have the issue of having a big night and drinking too much, and then assuming everyone is thinking "LADY GREY IS SO STUPID" when really they probably can't remember/don't care, so on.
When this kind of self talk doesn't help, I do one thing in particular that I have learned from dealing with OCD. I tell myself: these thoughts are unimportant. I will not gain anything from them. I don't have to continue thinking them, and if they make me more distressed, they're probably not helping me. I then try to find as many distracting things to do as possible.

All of this is easier said than done, but I hope something here may be helpful to you!

