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Quit a job I was doing well at due to anxiety. Anyone else?

Community Member

Hi everyone, first time really sharing my mental health struggles here.


So I've struggled with anxiety since childhood, specifically social and general anxiety plus depression as well. 


Over the years I've seen a number of counsellors, psychologists and psychiastrists for my condition and made progress even though it has been uneven. 


Unfortunately upon graduating uni and starting full time work I've struggled a lot. My first full time role was in sales which was awful. I hated picking up the phone to make sales and did not perform well. It caused a relapse of my anxiety for the first time in years. 


In any case I handed in my resignation and was allowed to leave without notice. I was depressed for a few months but got on antidepressants which helped me get back up again. I convinced myself that I only relapsed because the job was the 'wrong fit' and proceeded to focus more on looking for jobs related to my degree in marketing. 


I eventually I got a job at a marketing agency and was doing really well, I still had anxiety but it was manageable. I was at a decent company and the work load and environment was chill so I never felt like overwhelmed. I was so confident that I stopped seeing my psychologist and taking my medication.


 I then moved to another agency into a more client facing role, I had my anxieties but was doing well initially. This was until the workload and number of clients given to me was too much to handle and I began to doubt my abilities...


I was hesitant to bring this up with my manager due to mental health stigma even though they would have been understanding. I started to worry again as all my symptoms were coming back to the point where I could hardly concentrate on work tasks.


This time I knew I was screwed as I was doing well in the job but my anxiety still came back. It was so bad I had to quit with little notice. 


It's been more than a month since that, I've gotten a lot better but the thought of working again is terrifying as I don't want to be overwhelmed and relapse again. I'm now back on medication and seeing a new psychologist.


Anyone else have a similar experience? Would love to hear your situation and how you handled it  🙂 


12 Replies 12

Hi there, Wild Westerner!

Firstly, thank you so very much for choosing our community to join! We are very grateful to have you and we do hope you will get as much out of the community as we will gain by having you here!

It is daunting sometimes to choose your health and stability over other obligations - especially when they are the ones that pay you and keep the lights on. Sometimes though, being able to be well and achieve in the long-term makes that painful short-term choice a moment of common-sense. Hopefully it is also a moment of instinctive awareness of self-worth and hope for the future.

Always remember, the long term is often the more important side of the scale, especially when not making a plan that way still has a damaging result to short-term health. 

It still frustrates and hurts though to have to let things go - especially if we feel like we were winning, at least to some extent. Do take some time to be gentle with yourself. Please keep reaching out to let us know how you are doing with the new medication and psych!

If you need a little extra back up for any reason, please feel free to click here to webchat with us, or call 1300 22 4636.

Stay bold, and kind to yourself, Wild Westerner!


Sophie M.

Community Champion
Community Champion

Hi there,


I am sorry you have been through anxiety, I have too! I have never quit a job because of it, but I have felt sick to my stomach in the work car park a few too many times than would be considered normal...


It is a great thing you are seeing a psychologist, this is what helped me the most with my anxiety - CBT! Was so good at preventing my anxiety from relapsing. I hope you are benefitting from it.


My advice would be to be kind to yourself and forgive yourself. Focus on your therapy and getting better, and one day your anxiety will be well-managed - just keep at therapy, keep trying and you will get there.


All the best and reach out whenever you need,

Jaz xx


Hi Sophie, thanks for the warm welcome and advice, I'll be sure to keep you updated on my progress!

Hey Jaz,


Good to know I'm not alone, feeling sick to the stomach is not a great feeling at all. Progress is slow but I feel like I am improving. Self forgiveness is something I definitely struggle with so I'll be needing to work on that.


Anyways thanks for the reply and I'll be sure to reach out if anything changes 🙂 

Community Member



Wow can't believe it's been 3 weeks already. Anyways I decided to switch psychologists as the one I was seeing was quite inflexible with her approach. She was quite blunt and even blamed me when we ran out of time to go through a breathing exercise. 


Anyhow I had my first session with my new psychologist, it's costly at $100 per session after the medicate rebate but I do like her a lot more. 


I also applied for my first job in 2 months for a retail assistant at Uniqlo (clothes store), I was really anxious about this but was fed up with doing nothing at home. I've got an interview for this next monday. It's not really a career but it's a simple job which is the best I can do at the moment. 


Although I'm not at my most confident I have learnt a few techniques to help manage my anxiety so I think I can at least show up and not avoid it. 



Hi WW.     I am going through a similar thing myself i recently left a job i was in full time for 13 years. This was 4 weeks ago .  I was to start a new role at a local hardware store but my anxiety stopped me.  I just want to offer  you my support and know that its understandable with what your going through . I hope you can fill in your days ok and im glad you have found a suitable phycologist. You seem like a quality person with a great work ethic and im sure things will turn for you.     Happy to keep talking.    Beaser 

Community Member


I’ve never had to leave a job due to anxiety but it’s certainly hindered my performance at work. 
I understand re the stigma as well. I’ve never had the courage to tell anyone at work about it. Unfortunately I’ve always assumed the worst. 

Cheers Beaser, wow 13 years in a job is a long time, that's an achievement in itself. Appreciate the compliments 🙂 

Was there anything in specifically that made you anxious to take the new job, or was it simply the case that you anxiety flared up? 

Hey Rupes, yea it's difficult telling people as you never know how they will react or whether is will affect their perception of you at work. Esp if you have social anxiety it really is the worst LOL