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Possible PTSD from one time gummy user

Community Member

Hi, I’m new here and just wanted to share my experience in the hope that I can connect with someone who’s had a similar experience to me. About 6 months ago I tried 1/2 a gummy for the first time (to put it into context - I’m a non smoker, hardly drink - couple times a year maybe, I even avoid taking pandol if I don’t have to). Anyway, had a really stupid moment and tried 1/2 a gummy one night and I had the worst reaction of my life. I basically believed it was the end of my life. This lasted about 4 days, my husband had to take time off to care for me… it was the most terrifying experience I’ve ever had. I feel like now I have PTSD (undiagnosed) from that and was wondering if anyone has gone through anything similar. It’s been 6 months and i still have the same sort of feelings reoccur every now and then. I would say I feel anxiety about death throughout the day and at night I get all the same feelings of thinking it’s the end of my life. I know I sound like an idiot but I just don’t want to feel like this anymore!  

1 Reply 1

Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear Vicckkii~

Welcome here to the support Forum, I'm glad you came as you sound like you have had a very bad series of aftereffects.


Unfortunatly THC can have different reactions in different people, and its concentration (and other included material) in the gummy may not be as expected. You ended up with 4 very frightening days and I'm glad you husband was able to be wiht you and care for you.


I realy have no idea if it is the psychological effect of that expereince or of the drug, or even physical issues,  that is causing you to have these bouts, and rather than have it always looming over your head I'd strongly suggest you see your doctor and explain what has happened and how you feel.


A full examination may well indicate hte best way to proceed.


Please let us know how you get on.

