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Physical anxiety symptoms - muscle twitches, cramps, weakness
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The past week or two I’ve been totally ruled by my health anxiety. I started having a weak feeling in my left hand and arm and something about MND came on TV and now of course I have MND. I’ve been experiencing muscle twitches and cramps/sore muscles, mainly in my calves and forearms. I saw my Dr in relation to this and he tested my reflexes, strength and pulses and all was fine. I keep trying to reason with myself but I just can’t shake this MND idea. It’s ridiculous. My Dr only prescribed medication to take when I’m having a really bad moment but the problem is I’m having these every day for most of the day.
Is anyone else experiencing this type of physical anxiety symptoms? This is all new to me as I’ve never experienced this type of anxiety before.
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I am currently experiencing extreme physical symptoms at the moment and can totally understand what you are going through. I have talked myself into having so many illnesses in the past few weeks.
currently my symptoms are really bad at night while I am trying to sleep. It is so incredibly draining both physicallly and mentally.
I started on medication nearly two weeks ago now and was hoping I would be seeing a little bit more relief then I am but I know I need to be patient as everyone’s journey is different.
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I've been experiencing the same I also have tried to work out the cause such as low potassium or the meds I'm on. I have had muscle twitches before from a different medication. I have exactly the same symptoms as you is it all anxiety? I hope not. I usually find that if I have good talk to someone whilst I'm experiencing the symptoms it can help decifer whether it's anxiety or not as if it is it'll calm down. E.g. phoning lifeline for instance and if I notice a difference then I know what it is. I think mine is a bit of everything anxiety and meds but could be wrong. Hope you find relief soon I know the symptoms and feeling. Jess.
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Hi to both of you, and yes - same! Over the last couple of months I’ve thought of multiple illnesses I probably have. But I don’t.
I think it all starts with the breathing. Without even realising it I am often over breathing, or starting to hyperventilate, and then muscles tighten and away we go!
Try concentrating on your breathing - slow it down, deepen it, and see if that helps during panicked moments?
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Thank you so much for responding! Can I ask, do you also get the twitching and sore/weak muscles? It’s out of control today and I seriously feel like my body is about to curl up and break. I have two young children so it’s super exhausting trying to be a good mum to them but also deal with all these anxious thoughts running through my head. I also find nights are bad but also mornings too.
I really hope you start to feel better on your medication. I know I need to go back and ask for some new ones but then I get anxious thinking the Dr is going to think I’m a hypochondriac, which I am 😕
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Thanks so much for your response Jess!
Its so hard isn’t it.
Its so good that you are brave enough to call and talk to someone. I don’t think I have the guts to do that yet. It’s a struggle to even talk to my partner about it.
Ive also thought it may be from a vitamin deficiency but alas I also have anxiety about chocking so swallowing most vitamins is a horror for me. Maybe there’s liquid forms??
I hope you start to feel better soon too.
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Thanks so much for your response Annie!
Breathing techniques is a great option so thank you for reminding me of that. My issue with that is that I have two small children with me constantly and I barely have a moment to breathe let alone concentrate on my breathing. I’m going to try and invest the evenings for some breathing sessions and anything else that might be helpful.
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Hey Rubybleu
Reading your post was almost like I had written it myself. I’ve been suffering with the same symptoms for the past month. Whilst these symptoms are concerning I too have visited my doctor. It’s important to state I’ve had general anxiety and depression most my life and believed I had experienced all it could throw at me, however the last 4 months my general anxiety has turned into a monster.
Because most of my anxieties are health related like your self I too have convinced myself I have an ever growing list of conditions. I could probably list off 50 or more in the last 4 months- a new week, a new condition. My doctor informs me Iam in remarkably good health and has increased my anti anxiety meds as he believes ive developed a panic dissorder.
I was skeptical at first that anxiety could cause these physical symptoms as I’ve had anxiety my whole life but as my phycologist tells me the human mind is both incredible and terrifying it can manifest pain from nothing and take it away. When your mind acts one way ie negatively the body tends to follow it. As to how to combat this, I’m still figuring it out myself but the others here have already covered some I usefull tips I use myself like meditation, breathing exercises.
Personally I found mindfulness really useful and there are some great apps out there that can get you started and typically you only need 5 mins a day to feel the benefits great if you have kids. Sorry for the long ramble but I hope it helps to know your not alone.
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Thank you so much for your response Stan! And don’t apologise for your rambling as it’s much appreciated right now. Kids are in bed and I’m trying to relax on the lounge but here comes the twitching again!! And the anxious mnd thoughts 😞
I had quite a good day but now I feel like I’m back to square one. It’s so exhausting.
I hope the increase in your meds helps!
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Now worries I’m a shocker for rambling, here I go again. Somthing else just to think about. You mentioned you had a better day, which is great! However when you finally relax these twitches and symptoms start up again. Whilst I don’t know what age your kids are but it sounds to me you are pretty pre-occupied with them. I propose that this time on your lounge is the first time you’ve been alone with your thoughts.
I know personally it’s these times of rest in particular before bed my own mind wanders and the anxiety thoughts run rampant because your mind is not distracted. This is a perfect time to practice your breathing or meditation. Also personally I’ve found some light stretching a few times a day helps my muscles relax. Remember it’s the flight or fight response that’s causing this, it’s preparing your body for danger even though it’s not there it’s a natural response to anxiety.
Think of the fight or flight like running without moving. Even though your sitting in a chair your body on a biological level is ready to sprint at million miles an hour to safety. So naturally when your body is doing this for extended periods of time it fatigues and muscles fatigue and they can twitch and do all kinds of things because of the adrenaline. Also a mineral or vitamin deficiency can be a real possability and the added stress will not help this if that’s the case, the body needs fuel to do that running without moving. I actually have a major deficiency myself. But that’s somthing you’d have to discuss with your GP. I also suspect your doctor prescribed you the same med that mine gave me, some kind of muscle relaxant, regardless most of these meds can cause the same problems. Ironic I know. Any way please do let me know how you get on in few days. Best Wishes