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Paranoid about mental illness

Community Member

I have anxiety issues, and I tend to overthink A LOT! Does anyone else with anxiety find that they often overthink and get paranoid about developing another mental illness.

For example, when I was learning about schizophrenia at university, I was scared I would get it.

My whole life I have been skinny, I could eat whatever I wanted and not put on weight. I've noticed the last couple of months that I'm not as skinny as I used to be (since getting in a long-term relationship - HA!). I'm not fat or overweight, I know that, but I am taking more care to eat healthy and try to eat less crappy food. The point I am getting to is, I'm now paranoid that I mat develop an eating disorder. My friend was just diagnosed with bulimia so it's on my mind a lot, and I also am doing a mental health placement for uni where there are eating disorder patients. I have not significantly reduced what I've been eating, have just been trying healthier options. I have not purged in any way, and I do not plan to. However, tonight I looked up how many calories I should be eating per day and I added up all the calories I normally consume (which was a normal amount), and now I'm concerned that I'm showing obsessive food behaviour by doing this.

Does anyone else get this idea in their head that they may develop a mental illness? I'm not disgusted with my body, I just want to make sure I take care of my body cause I obviously now can't eat whatever I want like I used to.

5 Replies 5

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hello Romy

You are intelligent and proactive with your health and thats excellent! Sometimes being anxious about our health can do more harm than good. A person can be super mega fit and still suffer from a mental illness

I have been very fit most of my life and anxiety still kicked me hard when I was 23....a while ago. Being vigilant with our eating habits is fine and good on you too!

Can I ask if you can function reasonably well on a daily basis without anxiety issues? The only reason I ask is when we have a mental illness it would be difficult to function on a day to day basis which leaves the door open for us to overthink

I understand you as I have had diagnosed anxiety disorder (in recovery) and its a pain which also makes me overthink as well

Sometimes we all need a good GP/psychologist to 'bounce' off when we start to overthink. These are only thoughts yet if they are being a continuous issue have a talk to your doc 🙂

You have everything to gain and nothing to lose by doing so Romy

Great to have you as a part of the forum family!

Please post back when its convenient with your thoughts if you wish to

my kind thoughts


Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Romy,

You're definately not alone in learning about health conditions and becoming anxious about your own health and behaviours.

There are so many threads on health anxiety in the anxiety section of the forums (if you have already searched, sorry).

It must be especially difficult to be learning about health issues in your studies if you find they trigger more anxiety.

What sort of techniques work for you when managing your anxiety generally? Can you apply any of these for your anxiety about your health?

One thing my husband tells me on the few occasions I have felt very anxious about my health is to "get off Dr Google and go speak to a real doctor". As much as it irritates me to hear it I have to concede and admit that a professional point of view does ease my mind and stop unhelpful thoughts. Have you considered getting a medical opinion?

In terms of mental illness I remind myself often that it took a year or more of visiting a psychiatrist weekly for him to realise an underlying factor was unmanaged ADHD. Although I related to many of the symptoms (Dr Google again arrgh) I didn't have the training and experience to diagnose myself. It has left me with a reluctance to try figure it out alone because the reality is I am not qualified to do so.

I'm sure others will join in given time. This topic is one I feel many people can relate to.


Community Member

Hi Paul!

I have been functioning well for awhile now without anxiety affecting my everyday life. I take medication which has changed my life. I still find that I overthink things sometimes though, and I need someone to tell me that I'm overthinking in order to calm me down. Sometimes I just go through phases where I obsess, obsess, and obsess and then it eventually goes away and I don't think of it again.

Community Member

Hi Nat!

I think what works for me is just getting on with things and also talking to my mum about it, because she brings me back to reality and I can see how much I'm overthinking.

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Romy

Thanks heaps for posting back and its always good news to hear if anxiety isnt being a pain on a daily basis

You are amazing for posting the way you have Romy....You are really proactive with your health and good on you! It also takes a lot of courage to talk about what we are going through with our mum too

You are spot on about overthinking.... It can be a pain for sure

Your mum is wonderful!! (just a compliment if thats okay 🙂)

Thank you for being a part of Beyond Blue Romy....We are here if you need to post
